Mar 24, 2004 12:34
Thanks to all of my birthday well-wishers, and those who found some time to spend it with me. The day itself was pretty quiet. Took off of work, bought myself a shirt or two to complement my birthday present to myself, the leather pants. They, by the way, are awesome, fit great, and very comfortable. The only other gifts were from my stepmother, five articles of clothing, only one of which will I ever wear, and that's because it is an insanely comfortable cashmere/silk blend. I heard, though briefly, from the one person I was really hoping to hear from, who I've spent many a good birthday with, and hope to spend more sometime.
Something I haven't mentioned. I've been given notice that the decision has been made by the fuckers-that-be at my company, that by the end of the year, all Tech Support will be located in one office, and that office isn't mine. I have the option of moving to California and continuing to work with them, or stay here and move on. The company apparently has policy barring covering moving costs of an employee. So, fuck that. I have only one reason I would wish to move to California, and my job ain't it. And it's not the right time, all the circumstances are wrong. And they're not paying for it. So again, fook dat. I've posted my updated resume' on Monster, did that last week. And I'll be doing some netwroking to see if I can find employment more catered to my preference and perhaps less-visible skills.
Although I don't like the idea of being on short-time for the next nine months, kind of just waiting for my layoff, there is a very good reason for me to do so. I have options that fully vest a month before I'd be scheduled to leave. If I cashed them now, I'd be able to pay my bills and get back to a financial square-one, with maybe enough left over for a good tattoo sitting. BUT. If I wait until November, I will have 1000 shares as opposed to 800. Also, if the stock behaves as it has been, (there is good reason to suspect it will behave much better than it has been), then, I could potentially be at financial square-one with enough left over to have my rent covered for the next year. So the desire is to just get up and go find a new job, but the prudent thing to do is use the next six months networking for my ideal job while I wait for the options to vest.
Next year could be a very good year for me, assuming I play my cards right.