This was a good week for things in the mail. Got the leather pants, they are being hemmed and having a blown-out knee re-stitched.. I got a replacement for my defective wireless keyboard. The company sent me 3 new receivers before sending me all that I needed, one good keyboard. Oh well, I broke the antenna off my first receiver anyway and now there are 3. And finally a belated housewarming/ early birthday/vernal equinox care package arrived from
nightrainbow of homemade ginger syrup. Rock. Thanks again Ali, it's so good and it did indeed go well with the vodka and seltzer.
Last week all I got in the mail was a summons to arrive in court for community service non-compliance. meh.
Earlier tonight, my roommate
vladdrac, and I, beat a cornerpiece of a sectional couch into what woud have been a bloody pulp, were that couch an animate organism. We are getting a nicer couch for upstairs this weekend, so that one had to go downstairs. and the cornerpiece wouldn't go through the basement without encouragement. lots, and lots of encouragement. with a baseball bat. yes, a baseball bat. Eventually, it worked. Score one for brute force and get the vacuum. We need to buy some plaster. The couch will never be the same, but is arguably comfier.
Sorry, couch.