♔ YoonMinNam; I got You

Jul 05, 2015 23:09

► Pairing: Yoongi/Jimin/Namjoon (not exactly ot3, sort of but not really. Just, they’re so cute ;-;) YoonMin/NamMin I don’t know!? xD and bangtan cameo(?)
► Rating: PG
► Genre: FLUFF, FLUFF and FLUFF. Did I mention fluff already?
► Words: 3,470
► Summary: At first, Yoongi didn’t give much thought about the new roommate guy who’s going to live with them soon. He just inwardly prayed to himself that new guy wouldn’t disturb his peaceful napping time or being annoyingly loud all the time.
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# This is my second attempt to write bangtan fic in English, which isn’t my native language. And this is clearly unbeta’ed (again), I apologize for all mistakes I’ve done here.
# I actually love NamMin but it's hard to find fics of this pairing, sobs, someone please write me NamMin ;U;
# Hope you enjoy it! :’)


At first, Yoongi didn’t give much thought about the new roommate guy who’s going to live with them soon. He just inwardly prayed to himself that new guy wouldn’t disturb his peaceful napping time or being annoyingly loud all the time.

And he actually forced Namjoon to type the exact words-bold and underline-in the qualification list in their ‘Yolo : We’re Looking for 1 more roommate to share the rent!’ (Don’t look at him, it’s completely Namjoon’s idea.) printout they plastered at some places around the college.

Three days after that, someone with funny high-pitched and squeaky voice called them-in fact, he called Yoongi because he forgot to check that idiot Namjoon put his number on the printout-and excitedly told them he really interested to be their roommate.

They agreed to meet this guy first, just to be sure that they wouldn’t accidently have a serial killer as their new roommate. However, Park Jimin was nothing like a serial killer at all, not even close, maybe he couldn’t even kill an ant or kick a puppy, Yoongi mused.

Beside him, he heard Namjoon cooed quietly ‘Aw, he’s cute.’-ugh, how he forgot that Namjoon uncharacteristically liked adorable little things. When they introduced themselves, the kid-they learned that he’s a year younger than Namjoon and two years younger than Yoongi-beamed back at them. Oh. Then politely asked that can he call them hyung? and of course Namjoon said ‘Yeah, go ahead.’ in a nanosecond while Yoongi just merely nodded.

Eventually, they welcomed Jimin into their room a few days later, as their roommate.


Jimin certainly wasn’t what Yoongi expected when he had a deep discussion with Namjoon that they needed someone to help sharing the rent with them.

Okay, though the kid’s cheerfulness always make Yoongi cringed, his bright smile did make the dull room looked more alive than ever.

Namjoon looked happier and surprisingly, Yoongi’s a bit happier too-not that he admitted it out loud, ever.

There are lots of advantages living with Park Jimin. But some of Jimin’s habits started to make Yoongi rethought. Namjoon wasn’t complain anything about them though. This dude was too acceptable.

And one of his habit always make Yoongi sat awkwardly uncomfortable at the dining table every morning.

Turned out Jimin’s more than a decent cook, while Namjoon and Yoongi only cooked burnt food or something with strange taste. So they happily gave this duty to Jimin when the kid asked for it.

Everything he cooked so far since day one he’s here, everything, was delicious. If someone pointed out that Namjoon and Yoongi look…fatter than before, blamed Park Jimin. Since Jimin’s with them, they always gladly eat breakfast here together every morning before they go to wherever they wants to go and always get back at the room to eat dinner together everyday too.

Today isn’t any different.

Yoongi wakes up with nice smell of bacon and egg and coffee.

“Good morning hyung!”

Jimin chimes cheerfully from the kitchen area when Yoongi groggily walks out of his room. Namjoon just casually waves at him and continue reading something on his phone, already takes his usual seat at the table.

And Yoongi isn’t ready for this. If he still wasn’t fully awake before, he is now.

Jimin is standing there, cooking something and his back is facing him, this happens every morning and honestly it’s quite a nice scene.

But Park Jimin has this weird habit, he doesn’t like to wear pants when he sleeps, or when he’s at home in general. So, yeah, Yoongi is greeted by the glory sight of bare legs. Tights. Calves. Hn. Good morning indeed.

He quietly slides into the seat next to Namjoon, tries to avoid looking at the direction where Jimin’s at.

“Hyung you’re drooling.” Namjoon kindly tells him, eyes still not leaving his phone.

“I’m not!” Yoongi scowls but rubs the back of his hand at both sides of his mouth, just in case.

Namjoon just shrugs. “If you say so, but really hyung, you still haven’t gotten used to it yet? You look so awkward.”

“Used to what?”

“That, obviously.” He points his chin at ‘that’.

And by ‘that’, apparently Namjoon means Jimin and his oversized plain white t-shirt that covers all of his upper body and it reaches just around his mid-tight, other than that is free to be seen. Though what he put under that shirt is still a puzzle for Yoongi to solve.

Yoongi groans and shoots back. “Have you?”

“Of course. It’s a pretty sight don’t you think?” He nods with calm expression but there’s satisfied glint in his eyes.

“…You sounds exactly like a pervert ahjusshi.”

But Yoongi 100% agrees with him, secretly.

“Hyungs, please don’t talk like I’m not here.” Jimin deadpans while placing newly cooked foods on the table before takes a seat in front of Yoongi. “Just because I don’t like to wear pants, that doesn’t mean I intend to show my legs to you or proudly show them for you. Do you get what I mean?”

“Absolutely.” Namjoon grins, flashing his infamous dimples-that for some reason unknown, always make ahjummas around this neighborhood swoon. “But we’re really can’t help but appreciated it you know? Since you…generously bare them for us to see every morning and every day. It’s actually refreshing. I’d rather see this all day and night than Yoongi’s 5 years old ben10 pyjama pants.”

Yoongi glares, murderously, at his friend but his scowl slowly morphs into a smirk when he suddenly notices someone’s blushing furiously.

“Oh? Why is little Jiminie getting shy all of a sudden? Wasn’t it you who willingly and daily present those nice legs yourself since the beginning? We haven’t even requested for it. Right?” He asks Namjoon, and his friend dutifully gives him a thumb up.

“Yeah, not even once.”

Jimin groans and practically bangs his head on the table. “Ugh! I hate both of you so much, really. Just stuff your faces and get lost please, hyungs.”

Oh did they already mention how much they love to tease Jimin?

Two teasing hyungs laugh at their adorable dongsaeng but eventually back to enjoy their breakfast nonetheless.

“Nah, we know you love us.” They say simultaneously before low-fives under the table.

“Would you please stop already!? I seriously hate you now!”

“No, you don’t.”


hyung <3 <3 bbuing bbuing

Jimin texts him that in KaTalK. Yoongi doesn’t know what’s that supposed to mean. He’s not even replies yet and then another one pops up. This time it’s Jimin’s selca. It’s matching perfectly with bbuing bbuing he texted a few seconds before.

Yoongi smiles fondly and saves this cute picture into his ‘lovely lil bro jm’ folder full of hundreds of Jimin’s self-selcas or candid shots by him in his phone. (Namjoon also has a folder similar to this one secretly hidden in his phone.)

Though he still has no idea what Jimin wants, he texts back.

what do you want now you lil shit?
i can’t text you without a reason now? :’(
yoongi hyung pabo

who’s pabo? jiminie pabo
i’m not!!!!

Seriously, this kid’s cuteness is too much, even via simple flat text message, he still can sense Jimin’s natural loveliness through it.

lol really though, what’s up?
hyung-nim~ where are you rn?

hang out with my friends at usual place
why? you wanna come?
or do you want me to pick you up?
no. i’m just asking :’) then hoseokie hyung is there too right?

Yoongi raises his eyebrow curiously at that but confirms anyway.

yeah he’s here. why?
then please tell him ‘hoseokie hyung pabo jiminie misses you bbuing bbuing’ lol


Jimin misses Hoseok? Sure, they’ve met each other sometimes when Yoongi decided to bring Jimin with him. They even exchanged numbers and kept in touch with each other through KaTalk till this day. But Yoongi doesn’t know Jimin likes Hoseok that much to the extent that he misses him.

Aside from that, there’s no way in hell he would say that aloud.

no do it yourself bye
i’m pouting now :’(


i just don’t want to
go bother him yourself

you’re annoying now
Then Jimin doesn’t text him anything for a good five minutes after that so Yoongi irritatingly huffs and puts his phone back in his jean’s pocket. Of course he didn’t mean what he said. Yes Jimin is annoying, but he’s only annoyingly cute.

But then Hoseok laughs so loud that the entire coffee shop turns to look at their table with judging-look.

Yoongi pretends to be interested in ice cubes in his iced americano on the table and he positively and absolutely has no idea who the hell Jung Hoseok is. His other friends seem to do the same.

But that idiot Jung Hoseok squeals, yes he actually squeals over something in his phone and manages to drag Yoongi to look at it too.

“This is so fucking cute! You need to see this, dude. This is for you.” He excitedly shoves his phone to Yoongi’s face and it almost breaks his nose.

Before Yoongi shoots his friend a murderous glare and ‘Nope I don’t want to see stupid video of cats playing piano or skateboard or anything.’, he immediately recognizes someone who just start appearing on Hoseok’s phone.

It’s Park Jimin.

What’s playing there is a short video clip with Jimin being stupidly cute as usual and doing this bbuing bbuing thing with one hand since his other hand had to hold his phone while recording this.

“Hoseokie hyung pabo Jiminie misses you bbuing bbuing. There, I told him myself. So Yoongi hyung-nim~ please don’t be mad~ I love you hyung~”

He ended it with a dashing smile, eyes curve into crescent moon-like shape. And Yoongi would be a biggest liar if he says he didn’t melt even a bit because of that.

“I don’t know why did you even mad at him, but seriously, this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Go talk to him mate. And I’m happy he said he misses me but…why I’m a pabo?”

Yoongi snorts. “Clearly because he thinks you a pabo, so you’re a pabo and he wasn’t wrong.” Then he turns to the other way and texts Jimin-obviously ignores what Hoseok is protesting.

you lil shit :’)
loveyouhyung <3 hehe

yeah, yeah love you too lol
then buy me a pudding pls?


Yoongi captures this chatting screen and sends it to Namjoon’s KaTalk along with ‘jiminie loves me, loser’.

get lost hyung -is what Namjoon texted him back.


“Namjoonie, there’s someone looking for you.”

Namjoon pauses and looks up from his text book to Seokjin who’s smiling at him from the door. “Huh? Who?”

Seokjin doesn’t answer and goes to sit at the couch that he’s been sitting there before someone knocked the door, so Namjoon sighs and walks to the door himself.

Standing there with a cute smile is Jimin.

“Hi hyung.”

“Hey. What’re you doing here?” Namjoon gives him a soft smile of his own.

“You haven’t read or texted me back since this morning and I also couldn’t call you so I guess I should drop by and check it by myself that you’re still alive or not.” Jimin pouts and pokes his chest playfully. “It looks like you’re still doing fine with your study time with Jin hyung after all and completely forgot about me. That’s hurt you know.”

Namjoon laughs and fondly ruffles the kid’s soft hair. He feels something warm bubbling inside his chest.

This is one of Jimin’s habits, if he attaches to someone, he always cares deeply for that person. He will text, call and try to contact you until he’s completely sure that you’re okay. It’s another habit that both Yoongi and Namjoon appreciate and it affects them emotionally.

“I’m so sorry, I forgot to charge my phone last night and it is dead for a while ago. Forgive hyung please?”

“Only if you pay for my bingsu. ‘Cause I’m generous like that.” Jimin grins. Namjoon laughs even more and gives a lopsided smile.

“Sure. Give me a minute and I’ll take you to our usual bingsu parlour.” That earned him a nodding and beaming Park Jimin.

“Well? You’re going now?” Seokjin asks with a knowing smile.

“What? Just spit it out hyung.” He scowls at his senior while gathering his things into his backpack.

“Nothing, I was starting to get worried because you have been reading for hours without moving much but when Jiminie comes, you’re smiling nonstop like an idiot. That’s good though.”

“Whatever. See you later hyung. Thanks for leting me crash at your place.”

“Anytime. Bye Namjoonie, be good to Jiminie okay?” Seokjin smiles his motherly smile and waves.

Namjoon rolls his eyes but smiles back at him. “I’m always good to Jiminie.”

When he closes the door, Jimin looks up from his phone and puts it away before smiles cutely. “I just told Yoongi hyung that I might be late for dinner and he sent me a glaring cat sticker.”

“That’s a typical Yoongi hyung for you.” He puts his arm around the younger’s shoulder. “You ready?”


After that, they decided to annoy Yoongi even more by taking a few adorable selcas together at Bingsu parlour and sent them to their ‘Nan jom jjeoreo!!’ KaTalk group chat.

i will definitely lock the door, go sleep else where both of you
i’m mad right now
so mad so hate so hungry and so lonely

uh, hyung, you do know that we have spare keys right?
hyung~~~ don’t hate me :’(
i will cry if you hate me

i don’t care go away
:’( *crying*

but i love you <3 < 3 <3
don’t cry hyung!!!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
love you love you <3 <3

gosh hyung you should see this
jiminie’s making saranghaeyo thing right now at the bus stop lmao
he’s so cute omg i think i’m crying too
stop gushing and record the video dammit!!

here (attached a video)
thanks man

hyung!! why are you recording it!!? it’s embarrassing ㅠㅠ
delete it delete it delete it delete it pls

no :’)

no way :’)
fine tonight i’m going to tae&kookie’s room

don’t you dare park jimin come back here right now

lol so you didn’t actually lock the door did you hyung?
shut up


Sometimes, Jimin’s habits didn’t make Yoongi and Namjoon happy and only bring them trouble, especially when they happen or apply to the others beside them.

And the fact that Jimin’s also wearing nothing but his oversized t-shirt at his friends’ room and clings like a baby koala at his said friends like he always did to Yoongi and Namjoon, totally doesn’t make them amused at all.

Why did they know?

Because they are following each other in Twitter, Instagram and even having each other in Facebook friendlist. And 5 minutes ago Taehyung just posted a picture of himself, smiling so wide at the camera, mentioned both Jungkook-who sits beside him and poses cutely together-and Jimin who’s not actually poses with them but just standing there as a background, oblivious that he’s a victim of the idiot duo, lower part of his body has nothing covered as he always does at home.

Kim Taehyung 5 mins
our cutie pie chimchim slept over here with us last night and he’s cooking breakfast for us now <3 he’s truly an angel. we love you chim <3 -feeling loved. with Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin (attached a picture)

Jeon Jungkook Wow He looks totally lovely like that :’)

Kim Taehyung hehe i know right <3 he still has no idea we took a pic of him though ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(1 like by Jeon Jungkook)

Jeon Jungkook Aigoo He’s so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ *cough*andsexy*cough* (3 like by Kim Taehyung, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok)

Kim Seokjin ^^ yes, he’s really cute there and both of you too <3

Min Yoongi im gonna rip both of your heads (1 like by Kim Namjoon)

Kim Namjoon …fuck you

Kim Seokjin LANGUAGE Kim Namjoon (3 likes by Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung)

Jung Hoseok ㅋㅋㅋㅋ this is too hilarious omg (1 likes by Kim Seokjin)

Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin sorry hyung… i was meant to say f..find you. yeah, find you. / Jung Hoseok shut up

But the torture hasn’t ended just yet.

Later that day, Jungkook also posted a picture that tagged Taehyung and Jimin. This time the three of them are lying on the bed. Jungkook and Taehyung are on both side of a sleeping Jimin, cuddling. Taehyung appears to be sleeping too, only Jungkook who still awakes and looks directly at the camera with twinkling glints in his slightly hooded eyes. Jimin presses close to Jungkook’s chest while Taehyung being a big spoon behind his smaller friend, arms circling around Jimin’s waist and nose nuzzling the nape of his neck, both in deep slumber.

FantasticBaeJK 10 mins
My precious angels <3 They are so adorable. :’) #nappingtime #angelstrulyexist #feelingloved @BabyJi_chimchim & @MrV_TaeTae (attached a picture)

mintSugaSwag @FantasticBaeJK @MrV_TaeTae …never learn a lesson do you?

FantasticBaeJK @mintSugaSwag um, what lesson hyung? -.-

mintSugaSwag @FantasticBaeJK no need to try and act innocent on me. i already see right through you kid.

FantasticBaeJK @mintSugaSwag ^^ I don’t know what’re you talking about hyung.

mintSugaSwag @FantasticBaeJK ugh that’s it!!

RapMonsterIsMe @FantasticBaeJK @MrV_TaeTae fuck off

KimSeokjin oh for god sake..LANGUAGE @RapMonsterIsMe

FantasticBaeJK, JHopeseok retweeted [ KimSeokjin oh for god sake..LANGUAGE @RapMonsterIsMe ]

RapMonsterIsMe @KimSeokjin = = sorry jin hyung

JHopeseok @RapMonsterIsMe ㅋㅋㅋ hey dude, i think you’re the one who never learn a lesson lol

RapMonsterIsMe @JHopeseok get lost you hopelesseok

KimSeokjin @RapMonsterIsMe don’t be rude to your friend please?

FantasticBaeJK, JHopeseok retweeted [ KimSeokjin @RapMonsterIsMe don’t be rude to your friend please? ]

RapMonsterIsMe @KimSeokjin …sorry again hyung i’ll try = = why only me though????

RapMonsterIsMe @mintSugaSwag wait yoongi hyung, where’re you going???

Eventhough almost a half-hour after that, there’re uninvited quests at Taehyung and Jungkook’s front door to pick a still sleepy Jimin up and go home, two pictures Taehyung and Jungkook posted today were already secretly saved by said uninvited guests.


Jimin is basically their sunshine, their precious energy ball of fluff that appeared out of nowhere and simply barged into their lives, completes and fulfills their plain lives.

But there are also some days when Jimin doesn’t have enough energy himself to give them a small smile. At a time like that, Yoongi and Namjoon would do their best, do everything and give everything they could to make their precious sunshine to shine brightly again.


There were times when Yoongi just merely stared at Jimin, long and steady, after Jimin noticed it, he smiled back at him and soundlessly mouthed ‘I love you too hyung’.

There were times when Namjoon just silently and soothingly caressed Jimin’s fingers, uttered nothing, and Jimin just snuggled against him and said nothing back. But his hand that found Namjoon’s arm, squeezed there softly before drew something like a heart and ‘I love you too’.

There were also times when Jimin actually said those three little words out loud when he smiled at them, hugged them or pecked their cheeks. And they actually adoringly said them back out loud with the same amount of love and were rewarded with a beautiful smile.


They do not have an exact definition of what they are or what they’ve become. More than just friends but not exactly lovers. It’s kind of complicated.

But if they’re already happy together like this, okay with this, with no need to solve or ponder over this complicated problem, then that’s it. They are just them. Just Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin. No less and no more.


At first, he didn’t give much thought about the new roommate guy who’s going to live with them soon. He just inwardly prayed to himself that new guy wouldn’t disturb his peaceful napping time or being annoyingly loud all the time.

Undeniably and undoubtedly, it turns out that both Yoongi and Namjoon more than happy with their roommate addition.

Yoongi loves to wake up with nice smell of bacon and egg and coffee. First thing he loves to do every morning is to wrap his arms around Jimin’s waist-not too tight and not too loose-and nuzzles his nose gently at the soft and smooth skin at the junction between his neck and shoulder.

And then Namjoon who always wakes up before him will join them by leaning over Yoongi to affectionately kiss Jimin’s soft chubby cheek.

And Jimin will giggle, cutely, and chimes. “Good morning hyung.”

Good morning indeed.

yoonmin, nammin, yoonminnam, bts

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