[Worst Fear Reference]

Oct 25, 2007 02:29

So that people who should know (i.e. Near, L) know what the heck he's doing. So as not to clog your flist even more than I'll be doing anyway, I will just keep updating this post.

Day 1
-David wakes up and believes himself back in the apartment Treadstone got him in Paris (though, of course, he's not). He leaves the building he is in, finds a newspaper that he belives indicates that it is 2002.
-He posts to the comm from a cafe.
-He believes he is getting messages from Conklin on his cell.
-Checks into random hotel.
-Becomes very upset with Angelus.
-Believes himself found by one of the workers in the Paris Treadstone office. This annoyed collegue insisted that David meet with Conklin next morning. He ends up agreeing.

Day 2
-Meeting with Conklin. Conklin expresses displeasure that Bourne had not reported in properly and then briefs him on a new target.
-After the meeting David pitches his cell phone and buys another.
-He posts from the library. He believes another person at the library is watching him.
-Returns to the "apartment"(Near's hq), goes through books and papers looking for any information that could help (don't worry, he's not actually reading your books, Near).

Day 3
-Loses the tail (that he never really had), checks into random hotel #2.
-Is determined not to become an assasin again. Or still. Or whatever. Posts.
-Plans to invade the CIA's sekrit base and convince them to leave him alone (i.e. end of movie 1).

Day 4
-Puts plans into action (don't worry, he's not actually bothering anyone, yay abandoned buildings).

Technically it's Day 5 by now
-CIA, and thus fear, defeated! It becomes quite evident that it was all in his head. Finds a cafe and posts.

...Planning all this made me happy~. How sad.

ooc, timelines!, worst fear

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