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samriprosecutor December 3 2008, 08:11:19 UTC
...Damn you guys, now I have to revamp mine. >_>


booktothehead December 3 2008, 16:01:56 UTC
Current information is important! :P


samriprosecutor December 3 2008, 16:45:18 UTC
I doubt too much of it will have changed, but... I'm still gonna blame you guys if I fail in my productivity today.


booktothehead December 3 2008, 16:48:23 UTC
Bourne's last permission meme was done before we had a Marie from anyone, so I really did need to update.
D: But we do it out of love!


samriprosecutor December 3 2008, 17:20:58 UTC
Yeah, in that case you definitely needed an update. Unfortunately, Edgeworth's progress toward coping and learning to act like a normal human being has been very slow, so he doesn't have as much change to show for it. XD


menial_tasks December 4 2008, 03:04:24 UTC
Fail, Edgey, fail. XD (Who would be his favorite person he's met here? Mikaela?)

...Also, random, but Edgey and Pam should talk. I feel they would get along. >.>


samriprosecutor December 4 2008, 08:29:33 UTC
Edgey fails in many things. And I'll have you know I didn't do this meme at all today! ...I tagged things instead. XD;; Still managed to keep my productivity up though, miraculously! \o/ (Yeah, I'm thinking Mikaela's the one he's closest to and likes the most, followed by Ten, Cori, Bourne, Cuddy, and somewhat Jordan, but he's still a little pissed at Jordan over the Hakuna Matata virus incident, ha.)

I totally was going to have him comment to her Christmas song post when I finished his friends page yesterday but uh...I never finished it. XD;; I'll either see if I can get in a comment tomorrow or keep an eye out for anything else he can jump on! He'll be making a post eventually too, but it'll be about Sigi so I doubt it would catch her interest, hah.


cost_benefit December 5 2008, 06:16:34 UTC
...I thought I already replied here. >.<

Clearly, you are a goddess of multitasking~
(Wait, Bourne still gets to be on that list? *wibble*)

Well, you seem to have gotten that in! :D
(As far as the Sigi post goes, I'm afraid she's probably a cat person. :P)


samriprosecutor December 5 2008, 17:36:03 UTC
XD <3

If I was I wouldn't keep leaving things undone and putting things off, ha! (Yes! Bourne's still one of the people he's concerned over, and he hasn't lost any of his respect for him. He still keeps an eye on Bourne, even, he just refuses to make any gestures of support toward him. XD)

I did! I wish he knew that she knew David because that would definitely prompt some questions, but maybe it's better that he doesn't until he gets better acquainted with her by herself, heh.


ises_weapon December 5 2008, 23:19:11 UTC

You can do that and multitask at the same time!
You could say you multitask procrastinating and multitasking!
(*WIBBLE* ...I'm kinda glad Bourne doesn't know that, though, otherwise he'd still give Edgey too much slack. XD)

We'll see if it comes up somehow! If not, there's always the possibility that she'll have an epic lock failure somewhere down the line. :P


crimsonobsessor December 7 2008, 19:52:46 UTC
...I never thought of it that way. Okay, in that case I'm AWESOME at multi-tasking. (And we totally don't want that. We'd NEVER get our knock-down drag-out fight at that rate!)

XD Hopefully they'll have some time to get acquainted first, before he finds out anything that might turn him off from associating with her!


elspeth_vimes December 7 2008, 23:57:22 UTC
You're just awesome. Accept it.
(Epic fight is do want!)

Oh yes, we wouldn't want that. I can't pull epic lock failure for a while anyway, she needs more reason to stay.


samriprosecutor December 8 2008, 17:25:12 UTC
NEVAR! (This must be arranged, then! We'll have to figure out a good time for it. He's going to be getting a few 'visits' from Cori probably this week, so by Christmas he'll be primed for some confrontation. Maybe around then or soon after would be best.

True dat. Don't want to scare her off too quickly. >3


elspeth_vimes December 8 2008, 23:33:19 UTC
MUST I BREAK OUT THE SECRET WEAPON? (Oooh, this does seem conducive.)

Exactly! >D


samriprosecutor December 9 2008, 05:41:36 UTC
...What secret weapon would that be? (Doesn't it just? Cori's going to do a good job on him, I'm sure. X3)


elspeth_vimes December 9 2008, 19:45:47 UTC
If I told, it wouldn't be a secret, would it? (Oh, I hope so~ >D)


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