
Sep 24, 2008 22:01

Sorry to bother, but Cori, Edgey? I just kinda wanted to know if we have an idea of when the coffee trap shall be sprung?

Also I want to find an excuse to have Edgey and Marie talk. >.>


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samriprosecutor September 25 2008, 03:05:49 UTC
OMG YES. Their tiny little conversation's already pinged the hell out of him. Especially since he knew who she was talking about. XD

As for me, I'm still catching up on the aftermath of that post and some other tags, but Idgie and I are kind of working on a project for the comm too that I've been super slow on yay fail! so that might have to take precedence. I'm gonna be working on it tonight, some, and hopefully it'll be done by this weekend (along with some other things I wanted to get through). Plus there's genderswap virus this weekend and we may possibly be spending Monday and Tuesday in Santa Monica to see Neil Gaiman omg.

TL;DR excuses over, maybe the trap can be sprung sometime late next week? What do you guys think? What's good for you?


darkmirror_vr2 September 25 2008, 03:14:40 UTC
I'm doing absolutely nothing next week, save for Gaiman's book signing Friday evening, so I'm good with whatever you guys decide on~


booktothehead September 25 2008, 03:20:18 UTC
Neil Gaiman. ;_;


darkmirror_vr2 September 25 2008, 18:51:16 UTC
:< I wish you could cooooome!


assistant_god September 25 2008, 19:47:11 UTC
I'll just have to re-read Good Omens by myself.


samriprosecutor September 25 2008, 07:21:35 UTC
♥~ I need to see if I can get some actual work done this weekend. I'm kind of failing on that end. :\ If I'm really productive over the weekend I may be ready in the middle of the week, if not it may be Thursday or over the weekend.

I-I'm pretty sure we're going. And I'm totally dragging my Absolute Sandman with me, and Stardust, and Idgie may bring Good Omens. The B&N guy I called said we only needed to get there an hour early though. I think he was on crack. O_o

ETA: Er... plotty things in my reply to Orlando, go see? XD


booktothehead September 25 2008, 03:19:40 UTC
...Now the problem is I'm not quite sure how. >.< >D Mwahaha, my work there is a success!

I'm perfectly fine with late next week! Gives me more time to come off semi-hiatus, anyway. :P

You west coast people, getting Neil Gaiman. D:


samriprosecutor September 25 2008, 07:31:39 UTC
Oh I'm SURE we can come up with something. :3 She may have to approach him, though. He's been avoiding her because of her connection to David, but he's kept some watch on what she's done on the comm so far. She made Edgey sad. :( But then, so did several people, he can't blame just her. Freyja in particular used her *goddess powers*! and pinged the hell out of him. He wasn't a happy Edgey.

See above~. Late next week would probably be best then! Thursday or Friday, maybe even over the weekend if we need to? Who should start the thread? Edgeworth will probably try to leave as soon as he sees David's with Cori. XD

HOSHI-- Cori's should take Edgey to ANOTHER world for coffee. That way Edgey can't leave. :O

West Coooast represent! \o/

...David's journal layout confuses the hell out me. Why does the comment box go ABOVE the comment. XD


darkmirror_vr2 September 25 2008, 18:59:04 UTC
....we're totally going to David's world. I don't think he'd walk out on Cori for this. XD; Is that alright with you Orlando? There's no escape Edgey, muaha.

If we start it Thursday I could get the thread set up if you guys want. Otherwise we may have to wait until the weekend.


assistant_god September 25 2008, 19:46:27 UTC
Oh, it's good for me~ We even have an excuse!
Edgey: Where are we going?
Cori: Italy. They know how to do coffee there.
And they just happen to end up in the Italy where Bourne is. >D
And he won't walk out. He won't be happy, but he won't walk out.

I like Thursday.


samriprosecutor September 25 2008, 20:20:47 UTC
Fabulous! See my question to Orlando re: who should be in the coffeehouse first/when they'll arrive. For Cori's sake I hope he doesn't actually plan to lie to Edgeworth about what world they're on. XD If he lets Edgeworth assume they're on Cori's world it'll leave him less reasons over which he can raeg at Cori. <3

Anytime on/after Thursday is fine with me, but I won't object to it being later as I've got lots to catch up on.


darkmirror_vr2 September 26 2008, 20:22:54 UTC
....actually, I think I know a way we can let Edgey just ~assume~ they're on Cori's world. You should expect a post about it after the virus. >D


samriprosecutor September 28 2008, 07:36:29 UTC
You're awesome. ♥

...Does it have anything to do with the construction crews? :D


darkmirror_vr2 September 28 2008, 07:47:18 UTC

....actually, yeah, it does! XD


samriprosecutor September 28 2008, 08:11:15 UTC
I guessed so when Cori started talking about them. I can't wait to see what he has in mind~!


assistant_god September 25 2008, 19:53:15 UTC
You know, I think she will just start poking around and find an excuse to bother Edgey as soon as possible. Y'see, she doesn't really know about the whole falling out, and this guy got David a birthday present and she's never even talked to him! (David figured it was from him and told her so. :P) Edgey was kinda asking to be made sad. Masochist.

And yeah, see Cori's reply~ We can trick Edgey with the promise of Italian coffee. >D

As the child of two people from New Jersey, I feel compelled to state that the East Coast is usually pretty cool too. But at the moment it has no Gaiman. >.>

...Because everything's consolidated onto one nice little bar that way?


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