Resposting my APP

Mar 02, 2005 23:25

I'm lame and nobody voted for me. yes I'm that self centered. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME THIS WILL HAPPEN. Teh rest of the time MODS will keep an eye on all the posts to make sure that everybody is getting voted on. KEEP VOTING. <3

Name:Carolyn Amanda Poddig
Birthday:May 30,1987
Star Sign:Gemini
Left handed/Right?:Righty-tighty
Eye Color:Green
Hair Color:Dirty Blond/Streaky Blond
Good with money?:Never. No. I mean look up "Poor" in the Dictonary and you see my picture. Look up "Big Spender" Next. Websters is working on adding me there XP
Talk about yourself for a few sentences, just about anything: I guess today was better then yesterday, but I'm still worrying about putting a ton of things together and just connecting point a to point b-the dots so to speak. Sometimes I think that if I wasn't around people would all die horribly in a plane crash. *nods*

Your Life
Favorite Color:Blue. Specifically Ikea Blue.
Favorite Food:Anything from Carls Junior Without Cheese. Currently its the Six Dollar Guac. Bacon Burger *drool*
Favorite Animal:Cat.
Favorite Non-domesticated animal(Wolf?Bat?):Wolf. Nobility, head of the pack.
Favorite School subject:Art/English
Favorite Film:Stigmata, Castle in the Sky, Bad Santa, Napoleon Dynamite, Dawn of the Dead, THX1138, end of days, Matrix trilogy, fight club-too many to list.
Favorite RE Char:William Birkin
Least Favorite RE Char:Chris Redfield
Hobbies:Writing, Drawing, making journals, Roleplay, writing, graphics making, running the Umbrella Corporation, Fight Club, Whatever my friends are into, Camera whores
Likes:Music, Sleep, Crazy Music, Master Chief, Military, Church (The non-fundamentalist kind) Dancing, laughing, swearing, sounding cool, being funky, being different, weird, Unique things, flying, The ocean, the sky, cookies, fat, ugly, Hyperactive rappers, posers.
Dislikes:Mean people, pissy people, angry people, Mean Kitties, School projects at midnight, Applying for college, when making drinks doesn't turn out, People who REALLY diss the movies I like, Loosing my CDS, Mary Sues.

Self-preservation or the preservation of others?:Self-Preservation, but not at the good of the company.
The good of the company or the Good of humanity?:The Good of the Company. Yes.
Hypothetical Question: You know,all of you realized this was a preface to the question below...right?
If you found a hundred dollar bill on the street what would you do?
Spend it. (has happened) XP then feel really guilty and probably confess to either one of you, a family member, or my pastor (who's also my Uncle...o_0;)

(be honest!)

Good with your hands?: (Sounds so dirty ;)Yes.
Good with people?:When I'm in the Right mood.
Friendly?:Of course :)
Loyal?:To the Bitter End.
Forceful?:When things don't go my way, or when people don't do what I tell them to, behave the way I want them to behave.

If you were trapped in Raccoon City Who would you have with you?: (A friend? a family? Wesker?)I'd Bring the Resident Evil Dream Team
On Guns: Jill Valentine
On Science: William Birkin
On protection: Albert Wesker
On inflitration: Ada Wong
On Comic Relief: Brad Vickers. we'd feed him to Nemmy. It'd be funny. XD
On Evac: Major Cain. cause he's SEXY.
What would you take with you? (Five items plz):CD player with CDS, (something to fight to) DVD player with dVDS, Master Chief, Kitty stuffed thing, Blankie.
How big an RE fan are you? (on a scale of 1-10. 1 being notsomuch, 10 being STARS member extraordinare)`5

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