00:16:00: @ marjuelina It helped me loosen up with my writing in 2009 and I always run to it when I get blocked.
00:17:20: @ marjuelina Mostly because it makes you turn off your critical brain and just write. Otherwise, you get penalties like words disappearing ;)
00:19:31: Still nothing other than random pictures from the 70000 Tons of Metal cruise. Did they disappear into the Bermuda Triangle?
00:19:59: I can't fathom how there's no videos on YouTube or setlists posted. It's mind-boggling.
00:21:14: In other news, my 401k provider says my account is now closed. Ok, so where's the money?
00:30:18: @ Lia_HMQ Henjo probably made him shave it. Or Dirk ;)
03:19:40: @ marjuelina No, I still eat dairy and eggs. Though I don't eat fish or some seafood. Makes me sick like red meat does.
03:20:32: @ marjuelina And I could never be a vegan, because solid soy like tofu also makes me sick. I'm weird that way. LOL
11:28:16: Might have another job opportunity with the same company doing something closer to my VM role at Amazon. We'll see I guess.
11:51:03: Wha? They actually made a new video with the replacement vocalist for "Not Strong Enough"? Why bother?