Random Stuff

May 11, 2009 11:12

- Saw the Wolverine movie on Saturday with anjakiya. It was awesome. Though I'm a little biased, considering Wolverine is my all time favorite comic book character. My only gripe with it was the altered background but then again they did the same thing with the other three movies as well. Still, I recommend it to anyone who likes interesting action movies :)

- Afterward we headed to Barnes & Noble where I proceeded to drop $50 on books. That evil, evil place. I got a book about Wolverine, the next Saiyuki Reload book, and The Undead Karma Surtra. The latter was purchased just because of the title and back of the book. So far, it's a pretty amusing fantasy book about a vampire detective looking for the holy grail of books ;)

- The Wolverine book was pretty cool since I'm way behind in all of his storylines. Imagine my surprise when I found out he killed Sabretooth, Mystique, and Jean Gray over the course of the last couple years. Though technically he didn't outright kill the last two. Jean asked him to kill her and he gave Mystique a gun to put herself out of her misery.

- All weekend long was spent trying to get my damn computer DVD drive to play my new Edguy DVD. It's the only DVD it won't play other than the Gamma Ray one (which sometimes plays). It's annoying because all my other DVDs play on it. The only thing I can think of is both are copyright protected in some way. It sucks because I can't make screen shots :(

- Speaking of the Edguy DVD, I watched it on Sunday night. The concert isn't bad but Tobi is over singing on a lot of parts. Especially on the newer songs (at least new in 2006).

The bonus stuff is kind of boring. It's pretty much interviews with all of the guys. Now, I don't mind watching each of them yammer on in German but what they were saying wasn't new to me at all. I already knew it from other interviews. Not to mention the up close camera angle was annoying. Really, I don't need to see up Dirk's nose. Seriously.

Oh and Tobi and Dirk are so doing it. Tobi keeps alluding to it every chance he gets. Either he likes beating a joke to death (possible) or he just likes bragging that he has Dirk now ;)

friends, x-men, books, saiyuki, edguy

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