Futility: None Dare...pg. 87-93

Mar 09, 2022 14:49

We left off last week as Allen was giving us his four keys to stop the takeover by the globalists. Sorry, I'm used to Alex Jones who clearly "borrowed" the ideas of this book for his schtick. So I guess I mean the CFR elite, but it doesn't matter, the superconspiracy boogeymen are all the same in that we can just substitute the proper nouns and the conspiracy theory is the same. Deep State, Illuminati, Freemasons, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, etc. it's all the same. Even according to these people it is the same, it's just the villain of a thousand faces. This is Hydra if you need a fictional reference point that was more realistic in that at least it was aided by magic or some kind of cosmic power (at the very top the Marvel universe gets very weird).

We're not here for the admitted fiction, we are here for the unsupported conspiracy theory that sustains this book. Allen believes he's laid out his case, he hasn't, but that's what he is going for. The first two keys of his program were shameless plugs: one for his book and the other was you...provided you have all of the correct information. It's smart of him to put "you" before "buy more of my book;" but that's all the credit I'm going to give him.

Keys three and four are very problematic. They are not problematic for racial or sexist reasons they are problematic because they make no sense. I mentioned this last post and then several times throughout this series-Allen's plan makes no sense given the enemy that he thinks he's fighting.

Key 3 is "Your Precinct." Allen is telling readers to get familiar with the local politics and then canvass, canvass, canvass. Ok, this is good advice generally. You don't like the politicians or the laws of your local area: vote and get the word out for people to vote as well. Now, people like Allen are going to have a hard time convincing Mandy down the street that the SOCIALISTS are coming for her freedom based on the arguments in this book. Maybe you could boil it down to some quick talking point but when the first question of "what are you talking about?" the answer is going to begin with, "Ok, back in 1912, well earlier actually, but we can start there..."

Think about the number of times that I have spent a week's post on one page of this book. That's what it takes to unpack this bullshit, and Allen wants you to explain it to someone impatiently standing at their door. Ask the Jehova's Witnesses how this works for them, and they have specific training for it, pamphlets, and a book you can get if you ask nicely (same with Mormons). However, most people aren't me, and aren't willing to put up with this kind of thing, especially the tangled web that Allen thinks is history.

Then the shilling gets to be too much, he closes this section about how you, the citizen, is the most important thing with, "A blanket coverage of your precinct will create talk between neighbors on this subject and thereby greatly increase the number of people reading this book."

So the point is to advertise the book, not fight the global takeover of the world by the COMMUNISTS and preserve freedom? I've read many books on various political positions and the only ones that do this are in the conspiracy genre. It's one thing to say, I've written other books, it's quite another to put in a call to action in which 2/3 keys thus far have referenced people ordering more copies of the book.

Key 4, the final key, is "your congressman." This is where things get contradictory. Allen has already conceded that the 1972 presidential election is lost, but maybe with our help we can get congress to stop the CFR's hold on the country.

Alright, now we are at the real problem which I've mentioned several times. Let me sum up the issue with this one question, "How did this book ever get published?"

I closed last week's post with this idea. That they can't stop you from buying the book, but "they" could have stopped it from ending up at the store every single step of the way. I mention this because Allen's enemy is that powerful. They control world events like WWI and the Russian Revolution, but they can't stop a book from reaching the stores.

Further, Allen claims that they control not just this president but the previous ones as well; yet somehow one of his readers--possessed with "historical knowledge" is going to overturn the election results that the grand conspiracy has just decided must be fair? That doesn't make sense. Allen isn't even talking about the Senate here, he's talking strictly about the House. The Senate is too corrupted by their six-year term limits and thus doesn't have to answer to voters as frequently.

The all-powerful conspiracy is somehow weak to prevent anti-CFR candidates from running, but this is well within their power just like preventing the book from being published. All the conspiracy would have to do is logjam the candidacy registration process. Bury the candidate under paperwork, issue challenges to their signatures, or just leave their name off the ballot. With all of that failing, somehow, they could just fix the election as Allen's people have been claiming for six years now (even when their candidate won).

He keeps calling this plan an "end run" but it's not. It's just voting. He thinks that if you juke and jive enough the all powerful conspiracy isn't going to catch on to the plan, but given that these people have no problem setting up a fake war in Vietnam that killed countless people; it seems odd that the one thing they would refrain from doing is stopping a candidate from getting elected. It's the Flat Earth people's problem all over again: the conspiracy has been faking the shape of the world for thousands of years but they are incapable of stopping some chucklehead on YouTube from exposing them.

The narrative ends (yes ends) with three more reminders, in seven paragraphs, that you should be purchasing more copies of the book. Then it gives a dark prediction. 1972 is lost, but the work you do now will bear fruit in 74 and 76. If it does not, then by 1976 all hope is lost. All conspiracy theories do this, time is always just about to run out. They do this because it adds panic to their work which clouds the rational part of the brain. All of the grand conspiracy theorists do this even though their enemy is as ancient as the world around us having the patience of an immortal being but now is the time to strike.

If this enemy did exist, it's really incompetent at its job.

Next week, we wrap this whole thing up.

none dare call it conspiracy, book walkthrough, book review, conspiracy theory

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