I'm going to
VIVIDCON this year!! I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. It was such a last minute thing - Last week they announced that they have extra tickets and I've wanted to go since I learned about it three years ago, so my husband and I decided to do it. I don't have any vids premiering, sadly. It would be so cool to watch a vid premiere there, but I have the opportunity so I have to take it anyway. I'm so excited to meet other vidders and immerse myself in the vidding world the Con provides. It's going to be such a fantastic experience. This morning while eating breakfast I had the realization that in 9 days I'll be at a place where saying things like "What fandoms do you vid", "What software do you use", "I love the way that vidder used motion", "What do you think about the visibility of vidding and vidders these days", "The history of vidding" will be understood. My husband (who is coming with me) enjoys vids and puts up with me talking about them as much as I have, but no one I know really gets the squee like I do. I'm hoping I won't be too shy to get to know some people because I think it's gonna rock.