Battlestar Galactica: Vid and Fic recs

Jan 16, 2009 20:08

It's the beginning of the end tonight!  I've been watching BSG vids in my excitement and wanted to rec a few, plus a fic.

We didn't start the fire by chaila43
All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again. As foretold by Billy Joel.  Overview of the series, in a weird way, yet all of the references fit surprisingly well. Very tight editing, and a neat vid to an unusual song choice.

Southside by bop_radar
Lee, Kara, Helo and Sharon and the cool ride their friendship takes through the series. The cool flying and fighting, and the fun and dramatic turns their relationships take.

Karma Police by SuperKC
A powerful look at four of the final five and how the knowledge of what they are shakes them to the core.  How the humans will treat them harshly for being cylons, as they themselves have done to others.  What kind of future do they have now?

This World by Buffyann
The editing really flowed with this one, especially the moment at 1:15 when the vidder transitions from the model viper used for planning to the pilot actually leaving for combat.  Really beautifully done, plus the footage is crisp and beautiful.

Addicted by Hazyshade
I'm a sucker for this song and I really think it illustrates well the fatal attraction between Lee and Kara.

Thank You by Canadiangirl_86
A really sweet, light vid for Kara and Lee that shows all the very best things about their relationship.

Keeps Getting Better by Taragel
Kick-ass Starbuck!  This really shows the duality of her personality: fun and bitchy.  Perfect song choice, perfect clip choices and great editing and flow.

Before the Dawn by Cylune
A moving montage of Kara and Lee, and how they try to support each other through the worst.

See more of my Battlestar Galactica vid recs here.

I have one fic to rec: Benevolent Sibling by mercurial_wit
The Cylons spy on the humans using D'Anna's film footage of the crew. Silly and great fun, though kind of long.

I've also been watching the special clips over at  I especially liked the What The Frak Is Going On? clip that condenses the whole show down to eight minutes whith a commentator.  It's pretty funny.

The trailer for the new Caprica series about the beginning of the Cylons and the rise of the Adama family looks really interesting.  I can't wait to watch it.

Plot threads that I want to see resolved before the end:

Who is the final cylon?

What is Kara's destiny?

What happened to Earth?

Will the cylon war resolve itself in a way that helps the humans?

Can the humans and cylons wind up living peacefully together?

Will Kara and her husband resolve their differences and make their marriage work?

vid rec, fic rec, bsg

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