Feb 06, 2005 15:34
*How do you feel about.....
Homosexuals: if thats the way u like it
Heterosexuals: thats me
Bisexuals: humm...does that mean u can have a girlfriend & a boyfriend at the same time?
Christians: oh yea
Pagans: not to fond of them but I don't hate them
anime: good
Star Trek: I would rathe shove a dul pencil throught my eye
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: I drink blood 2
Friends: it was fun to watch when I had nothing else to do
Will & Grace: a gay guy living w/ a straight hot girl...sounds fun
Politics: they can kiss my ass
Gay Marriage: fine w/ me
Straight Marriage: I hope to some day
Marriage in General: when I find the right one it'll b great
Monogamy: yes
Disney Movies: they kick ass
Diet: I try
Music Piracy (MP3 File Sharing): don't have one
*Ooooh... Look at all the stars....
Is Christina Aguilera a slut?: as sure as the sun sets
Is Britney Spears a slut?: ^^
Did Janet intentionally let her boob flop out?: a 50 yr old woman in her mid life cricis will do anything for attention
Did Michael molest those kids?: as sure as I breathin
Did O.J. do it?: I kinda have the feelin that he did
Who's your favorite actor?: uh don't got one
Who's your favorite actress?: ^^
Favorite Musician or band?: I like 'em all
Favorite author?: Stepen King
Favorite stand-up comedian?: anyone thats on the blue colar comedy tour
Favorite athlete?: I don't keep up w/ sports
Favorite model?: I don't like them
Favorite Talk Show host?: Jerry Springer lol
*More about you.....
Are you single or are you taken?: taken
What do you do in your spare time?: musci
What are your creative outlets?: music
Do you have a webpage?: nope
Do you read/write fanfic/slash?: sure
What is in your CD player right now?: Slipknot
What is the last TV show you watched?: Charmed
What is the last thing u said out loud?: what the...but I didn't finsh the pharase
last thing you ate?: a cookie!
last thing you drank?: coke
What are you wearing right now?: a t-shirt & blue jeans
Do you sleep in the nude?: u could say that
What do u lie awake thinking about at night?: my mind is always blank
How many pillows do u have on your bed?: 4
How many things are there in you room that have to be plugged in?: uh..
How long have u lived at your current place of residence?: 16yrs
What (if any) jewelry do u always wear?: dimand stud earrings, star earings, a rebel flag neckless, 2 pink bracelets, 2 lack bracelets, a rainbow braclet that I stole from Stormi, & a cross ancklet
Do you have any tattoos?: alot soon
Do you have any piercings?: 2 in each ear but soon to b more
*All about your friends.....
How many people do you actually consider TRUE friends: hard to say
How many people think u are their friend but secretly u can't stand them?: quite a few actually...I feel like I'm being used by a few of them
How many of your Live Journal friends list do you actually know InRealLife: all
How many people that have have "friend-ed" u do you really know?: well
How often do you get comments from people and u have no idea who they are?: never
Who is your BEST friends?: I don't think I have one
Who is your loudest friend?: Stormi
Who is your craziest friend?: Jennifer
Who do you call when u really need someone to talk to?: no one...I would b callin them every night...they would get tired of my prolbems
Who do you call when u really want to have fun?: whoever comes to mind first
Who do you avoid answering the phone when they call?: no one unless I'm mad at them
Who do you have the most in common with?: Jennifer I think
Who do you have the least in common with?: none
Who do you wonder how you became friends in the first place?: Emily
How many people from high school do u still talk to?: I'm still in high school
How many people from middle school do you still talk to?: a few
From earlier childhood?: I hate her
*Social Life......
Where do you like to hang out the most?: peoples houses...u can't have my kinda fun in public
Are you usually the designated driver?: HELL NO
Do you drink?: often
Do you smoke?: only when I drink
Do you do drugs?: of corse
Do you dance at clubs?: never been 2 1
Do you talk during movies?: yep to the people in the movie
What is your favorite restaurant?: don't got one
Pop Princess: are all sluts
Boy Band: most of them are gay
Rocker Chick: just a different versin of a slut
Rapper?: 50
Color?: black
Food?: ???
Drink?: coke
*Fill in the blanks.....
Beavis and______: butthead
Run_____: for ur life
Do you have a______: joint
My name is______: slim shady
I am______: a alacholic
My favorite band is______: slpiknot
Can I ______ You: kiss
______ a tree: climb
______ Lullibies: lets sing a
I play the______: oboe, & much much more
Pass the______: weed man
Kill me______: now
Do______: u love me
I have to______: piss
I feel______: high as a fuckin kite
I______you: lust
Jump for______: ur life
______ me: hold
Love is______: blind
To be scared is______: really to want something
I have a______: joint
Tickle______: me please
Ass and ______: boobs
My job is ______: holding my hand out & askin dad 4 money
Kiss______: my ass
Blue_____: sky
Don't let the door______: catch u in the ass on ur way out
Mother and______: boyfriend...long story...mother nad daughter my ass
Siblings______: are jackasses
Hump______: ur self & leave me the fuck alone