I just got home from work, and for a shift I very reluctantly took it was actually almost enjoyable. The five hours went quickly, and I earned $140 at any rate =D
Whoa, so I haven't posted properly in over a week. I'll spare you all the boring details, here are some of the highlights (I'm in an optimistic mood!)
I had my Indonesian oral exam on Monday, and it was so much fun. I love that I can say that about an exam. I hung out with Ame for a while beforehand, we were supposed to cram but not much got done really. Then we went in, and the analysis of Gerr (the play) was relatively easy, and we both followed each others' arguments really well. We got told at the end that we had probably the best understanding of the play in the whole class. We then spent the rest of the time talking about Glee in relation to role models in the media. Not only did Bu Y let us use that as our topic, she joined in - and made a comparison using Sue Sylvester and a character from the play. It was so funny. She also told us we got in the 80s!! So exciting.
My Indo written exam was on Friday, and I think I did alright - I finished it, anyway. The most stressful part was getting there and finding a park. I hate morning exams because the traffic is terrible, I left an hour and 45 minutes to get there and I was still cutting it really close - without traffic that journey takes 40 minutes.
I got paid a substantial amount more than I expected this week, and so am able to pay of the other insurance claim and still have money to actually spend this month. So I bought Christina Perri's cd and I have to say I love it. <3
My parents have been away since Friday afternoon, and I love having the house just to myself and my brother. It's things like this that show me that yep, I could live out of home. Which is still a vague plan for next year - provided a few things go my way.
I spent the majority of last week procrastinating, some practice, and those exams. Now that I only have my recital and English left, I've been using my time to practice and go through this list of things to organise - mainly on my computer. It's good to be able to just chill.
It was so good to see wolfielove yesterday, random movie afternoons ftw! We should do that more often *nods*
I saw harpisan last Tuesday too - we went to see Rio and had a fair bit of fun. So good to see her again, it's been too long. Even though even short amounts of time away from her seem far too long. <3
On a similar note, I finally got to talk to pebblegosling on Saturday and last night - after not having a proper conversation for ages. It's been a good week for communication, obviously.
My playing is getting better, although I got knocked down a little after my lesson on Thursday as nothing was up to scratch and my teacher pointed out that I'd regressed with my technique. I've calmed down now, but I was a little upset.
Also, last night this moved me so much that I teared up - if anyone needed any more proof that this woman is beautiful, inside and out,
this is it. I also know that I follow the right people when my entire dash was just reblogs of this for about half an hour.
I'll stop rambling now, but have a video of NPH being his usual epically awesome self at the Tony awards.
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