'We're Happy Little Vegemites'

Aug 25, 2010 22:40

 Well, I am at the moment.

No Google chrome, I did NOT spell Vegemite wrong.

I've had a very good day, after a couple of long and draining ones. Got up at a reasonable hour, pottered around and didn't have to rush, actually got to my lesson on time (something of an achievement of late >.>) and my teacher was happy with my playing. Nothing short of a miracle really, considering I hadn't touched my violin since my last lesson except for 10 minutes last night in which I got really frustrated. I didn't play it much yesterday because I played the viola in string class and orchestra. Anyway, I've now started all movements of the Handel sonata I'm doing for my exam, and got told my rhythm for the Brahms Hungarian Dance was perfect once I stopped consciously using rubato. This put an absolutely stupid grin on my face because consistent rhythm is always something I've had to work hard at. And I haven't really had to on this particular piece. 
(Handel Violin Sonata in G minor & Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 9 if anyone's interested)

After my lesson I headed to uni, where I ate delicious gnocci and did a little bit of Indonesian translation work before napping for half an hour (LOL) and then headed to Indo class itself. Which was epically awesome, as always. Goodness I love Bu Y. Then it was rushing back to work, which went really quickly. 
Then, I came home, ate dinner, and did 45 minutes of good practice. I am going to buy myself a mini whiteboard, and write up weekly practice timetables around whatever else I am doing. I figure, if I can have a lesson as good as I did today without doing any work, then how much better can I do if I actually get my arse into gear. Oh hi motivation, welcome back!

I love randomly good days.

To finish off, here is the song I'm currently addicted to - courtesy of a brilliant mix cd my friend H gave me. Out of 20 songs, I like 19. Pretty damn impressive considering we have rather different tastes in music most of the time.

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And just for nostalgia's sake...

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PS. I get to see N tomorrow night! I haven't seen him since my birthday two months ago, even though we said we'd wouldn't leave it that long. Fail =P
PPS. I GET TO WANDER THE CITY WITH HARPISAN ON FRIDAY! I am excited like you wouldn't believe. =D

my taste in music speaks volumes, violin, uni, indo

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