'Please don't put me underground'

Aug 11, 2010 20:52

 I have to start an assignment tonight - so before I do, here's another meme. This one's a little more personal.

Tagged by pebblegosling . I'm too lazy, so if you want to steal it go ahead!

1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 10 things about yourself in your journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 10 people.
(4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.)

5. No tag-backs.

1. I never know where to start with these things. 
2. I'm not overly ambitious - but there are certain random dreams I have (ie playing in a professional pit orchestra for something like Wicked)
3. The friendships I've made (or consolidated) over the last year and a half are the best I've ever had.
4. In this day and age of downloading music, I still love buying cds. That doesn't mean I won't take music from others or download it until I can afford to buy said cds. On a related note, I am always pleased when I like every track on an album. It makes me happy.
5. When I die, I want to donate any part of my body that could possibly help someone else, and then be cremated. Some people find this creepy, but personally I think sealing my body in a box and leaving it to rot is far creepier. (Apologies, morbid)
6. I can run on adrenalin for a really long time (especially in emotionally charged situations) - but you don't want to be there when I crash, it ain't pretty.
7. I did calisthenics when I was really little. All I remember is having stickers on our feet to tell us which one was left or right, and performing 'Dorothy the Dinosaur' at our concert.
8. I wish I was co-ordinated enough to dance well.
9. Learning Indonesian has taught me, above all else, that English makes no sense at all.
10. I have a list of places a mile long that I either want to visit, or return to. Not that that's uncommon at all =P

Also, I am in a writing mood but don't know where to start. Prompt me? Pretty please!
never mind that I need to start that assignment
 PS. Yes, it was this song that made me think about number 5.
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