Jul 11, 2010 00:44
Well, another very successful birthday party under our belt, and five glasses of sweet red wine over the evening to somewhat recouperate.
There was a period of time in which I thought that I had somehow gotten the time of our own party wrong in my head. I gave out ONE (thankfully) wrong invitation, which happened to be one of the people who RSVP'd yes. I was just about to leave the house when the mother called me at 3:15 to make sure she was in the right place. My tentative reply that the party was from 4-6 was met with the statement that her invitation said 3-5. Since I didn't have any way immediately to know that I hadn't remembered the time wrong, I (understandalbly?) FREAKED the fuck out. Made the fifteen minute drive to the park in about eight, was unforgivably rude to my family in my panic, and continued to freak the fuck out for the next hour. I was beyond hysterical during the drive over, I was profusely apologetic to the mother who I had given the bad invitation to, and the party was a roaring success, complete with John's appearance dressed in full Sleestak costume. Pictures may follow. :) I had WAY too much food, as always.
I think I'm going to finish my wine and crash. I am still a wreck.