Jun 01, 2010 19:55
So, I called my primary doctor's office at about 2:30pm today, Tuesday, and they can't see me in until Friday, even with definitive strep exposure (still seems like a Saturday exposure shouldn't be showing up quite yet in me, but I'm not sure). Grrrrr.
Can anyone local suggest a new primary care physician?
My requirements:
Does not have idiots for office staff
Reasonably local to Sterling/Ashburn area
Is willing to at least treat symptoms of the "all in your head" type illnesses (I'm not dealing with this now but I have in the past and I'm sure at some point in the future I will again)
I can be honest with about a poly/bisexual sex life
Will take over basic prescription requirements for neck/back issues, menstrual migranes, etc.
Won't freak that I take sleep meds
Won't dismiss everything I have to say as the rantings of a crazy woman as soon as they find out I'm on Lithium
Things that would be nice:
Is willing to do yearly basic pelvic exam, etc.
I could feel comfortable going to with bruises on me
Is at least somewhat competent at dealing with the ramifications of sexual abuse on the doctor/patient relationship
Is female
Might be willing to work with me on the sleep issue and is creative
I can get in to see in under a week when I think I have a contagious illness
Super amazing would be a doctor who is good at communicating with your OTHER doctors, as I tend to end up with a lot of specialists at times.
We have United healthcare, but I have, can and will go out of network for a good doctor if I have to.