Mar 30, 2007 12:17
It's been almost two weeks, and it's almost better. It's still got the annoying sensitivity/itchiness, but the cut itself has been healing great, except for the occasional twinge when I stretch wrong, and some excruciating thing I occasionally manage to do that I think is probably catching a very tiny piece of skin/scab somehow and pulling at the internal healing. I duno exactly - I nearly sent myself through the roof with it when I was bathing Evan earlier this week, and have mostly kept a bandaid on it since.[*] There's a good bit of residual nerve damage in the skin surrounding the cut, but it's annoying at worst, and I imagine it will get at least a little better with time. I'm fairly certain I avoided serious tendon damage - I still have only about half the normal range of motion/bend on the knuckle, but if I'm in a hot bath for a while I can slowly get almost the entire bend if I work at it a while. It's certainly not going to permanently be impeded to the point that I feel like it would be worth a surgical fix. It's not like an additional quarter inch of "bend" in my index finger is going to affect my quality of life very much.
All in all, I think I've decided not to try to cut off my finger again. :)
* OK, I'm an idiot. Trying to figure this out, I just flicked at a little bit of loose skin/scab and did it again. OWWWWWW! I'm going to be keeping the bandaid on for another few days I think.