Jan 18, 2008 11:20
Well, officially I do not know about RIT, but at least finally, FINALLY all the bloody paperwork is sorted out. As for life, its going alright. Still working on campus, though this semester I am not going to be an SI, but instead work for the HSI department in migrating the old and new parts of the website. This semester I am just taking Calculus 3, C Programming, and Genereal Chemistry II with lab. Going to make as much of an effort as I can in Chem, but it is my weakness. Once again I have a math professor that I like and I think this Programming teacher will be a step up from my last one. Actually, she is the wife of my previous professor. Both are Korean and think very differently than Americans. At least I shouldn't be as frustrated with her as I was with her husband.
As for art type stuff, its been put to the side for the time being. I got my room to finish (been redoing it) and stuff to study this weekend. I also have to finish up fixing my computer. At least the hardware issues appear to be fixed. Had some heatsink issues which resulted in Windows frying two of my hard drives. Also had to get a new dvd drive, which I got for 60 bucks off of e-bay instead of paying 200 bucks to HP. So far it works without issue. Go e-bay!
Mentally I guess I am ok. Surprisingly I am not very interested in entering into any kind of romantic relationship at this time. Still get stressed out sometimes, but not too bad. At least I didn't think so. Though my professor told me the other day that he was glad I didn't look as stressed as I did last semester. Was I really that bad? I still don't want to go on any meds or herbs, but I might have to. Maybe I have been so frantic for so long that I don't what it is to be calm. Might look into some kava kava. *sigh* Well, back to obsessively checking the RIT page to see if I have been accepted or not. ^__^