May 26, 2004 02:13
Lots of things have happened recently.
Thursday I went to Louisville to see Krissy. That wat fun. Dinner and a movie.
Friday was skating at the park and other random places throughout Louisville.
Saturday was interesting. Drove 2 hours to Indianapolis. Got out of my car. Walked up to the registration booth at the competition. The judges persuaded me to enter even though I had never skated that park before, and I wouldn't have time to skate it before the comp because it was starting in 5 minutes. So I entered a competition for $10 without even warming up first. Oh well, I did OK I guess. I places 2nd out of 15 other skaters. I thought that I deserved 1st. I wouldn't be so upset about it if I had received a better prize than bearings for second fucking place. Especially when the 1st place guy got frames AND wheels. Too bad huh? Then after that I nearly passed out from exhaustion. Then skated some of Indianapolis. Mike and Garret skated tennis court rails. They impressed me. The drive back to Louisville only took 80 minutes.
Sunday was Jill's grad party. That was fun except for still being exhausted from skating the day before. I think I left my hat at her place.
Monday was more hanging out with Krissy. It was nice. We went to Grater's for like 2 hours. Then as I was heading downtown for a short walk it started to rain. So we rented 'You Got Served' and 'Big Fish.' YGS is fucking priceless because it is the worst movie of all time. BF was OK, just a little slow for me at eleven o'clock. Dropped Krissy off at her car then went to pick up MARTIN!! (High Pitch) for a late night ride back to the Lexington.
Worked today then went to CD party. That was fun. Received 10 free new CD's from MARTIN!! and Mandy. Tomorrow during work I will have to listen to some of them. Oh, during work I went to E B Games and bought HALO and an S Type Controller as well as a magazine with a demo disk in it. Good fun.
After the CD party we watched Love and Death. Funny movie.
Tomorrow is more work and yelling at my other boss because he did not put me on the schedule for the second week in a row. After that I am probably going to sit around listening to new CD's and playing XBOX.
My life is a circle.