wow; I jump

Oct 13, 2010 20:09

I do not know how to explain what I'm about to write, but I shall try the best I can for my future.
I think I mentioned in here briefly a while ago about the night terrors I experience perhaps about three nights a week sometimes; other times, I'll be lucky if it's once a month. (It always occurs not long after I've fallen asleep for the first time that night; I wake up with a start and I feel really terrified, for what reason, i do not know. I use to turn the radio on for comfort, but more often than not now, I just ignore it and go back to sleep. Though sometimes the radio or the puter is in fact still on from earlier and that confuses me as I wonder WTF the noise is, and it scares me just as much).
Well, just then i experienced something I haven't for a long time. I was looking at a friends status on Facebook, and another friend of hers had replied. The name scared me as soon as I looked at it (Jaws pronounced it); indeed, it was an unusual name "Vic Plant" to be exact, but even so, why should it scare me? I've no idea but I certainly recall it happening before where I'll read some words, strange names or phrases and feel really scared by them. I wonder if it matters that i'm using a screen reader? IE, if I were able to read these names with my eyes or fingers, would I feel the same?
Now I come to think of it, i wonder if it could possibly be related to the Synesthesia I use too, and occasionally still do have bouts of; It sounds to me like there may be a bit of a link, though the night terrors definitely don't at all; no idea why they occur.-- freaky times.
Til Next time, RdFreak

dream recall

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