Wow, so the other day in the community
sexybitches which had been renamed from Australians, there was this post about curing the hiccups. One of them was to tickle the nose until you sneezed and then your diaphram resets. But the past two times I've had the hiccups (including just a few minutes ago) I riggled my nose and they stopped; seriously; so that's a fast and affective method of getting rid of hiccups.
I am no longer on that community just really because I wasn't reading many of the posts.
OK so would i know it? I went over to the parents last night to get my hair cut and Mum and dad (both who have never followed football) had the grand Final on and was shouting at it. "Go the Pies!" I exclaimed, "No No, the saints" they replied; OMG.
Anyway, there was much excitement as there was only five minutes of the game left to go. -- It was a draw, so we get to put up with another game next week; what? ah well.
So we had a lovely roast meatloaf and vegies for tea; mmm. and Mum cut my hair to far above my shoulders where it seems to belong these days. -- She also gave me some fish oil tablets to try (since I don't do fish). So now I'm on to 24 tablets a day; "Rattly Rachel" is what they'll call me. :)
In other news, though I knew where my Maestro was, I'd misplaced the GPS receiver, but Dad found it here last week, so going to use that again. I will prob have to perform a bit of maintanence to it as the firmwear and trekker maps will be out of date. :( Hate doing that.
And also Mum has been introduced to the firminator and loves it. She's going to try and purchase one for Heartly but in the meantime, she's got mine.
til Next Time, RdFreak