I forgot to mention a couple of Joy related matters in my phone post yesterday, (which btw, even though it lasts for the standard five minute time, is not the best quality; it's a bit muffled; anyway).
My family and I will be attending the graduation ceremony at GDV in November. I'm very much looking forward to this as they didn't do such an event when I got Heartly. So the formal details will involve me and Joy getting a certificate; after a whole year of working her mind you. But there's only one graduation a year and our class was unfortunate enough to be the first one after last year's ceremony. So I look forward to meeting Joy's puppy raisers there as well as spending time with family and friends at a picnic style event. (As my faithful LJ readers may recall, I did speak to Joy's raisers on the phone earlier this year but still haven't met them).
Also, I've decided from now on, by hook and by crook, I am going to be very strict with Joy while she's working. In the past, I have found it very hard to deny good-intentioned members of the public pats of Joy and Heartly, but, I had a good talk with myself last night after Joy did a very non-Joyish thing and ate something off the floor of charkhole chicken. Yes, that's a sign of her basic training already slipping, and it won't happen again; in fact, she will get back to the high standard of class and remain that way.
In other news, heartly is going in to have a couple of lumps removed tomorrow. I had a couple checked out Monday and the vet is especially worried about one under her tail. It is benign but the vet thought it'd be better if it gets taken out now rather than later when it's a lot bigger and makes things hard for her.
Iljin had a malignant lump removed Tuesday and fortunately he came through OK. Obviously
jordina was rather worried, and I was too. Was very grateful to receive the text from her telling me he'd pulled through OK. -- Heartly is twelve; fortunately though she's very healthy despite her deteriorating hearing and eye sight, but to say I won't be worried tomorrow is a complete under statement. I shall be calling up (as per my usual tradition when she goes under) at mid-day to make sure everything is going OK still.
So more stitches for poor Heartly I guess. I'm unsure how she'll toilet but it's something I'll call the vet about today as I forgot to ask that the other day.
til Next time, RdFreak
P.S. I was doing a spellcheck in MS word, and i hadn't noticed the sounds before; I didn't think there was any when a word not in the dictionary came up. :)
On that note, i just learnt something new; If there's a grammar problem it picks up, there's a button that says "explain" and, it does just that when we click on it. My grammar has totally slipped unfortunately. :(
P.P.S. After I'd created a new job seek profile last week, i was no longer getting the emails; they just started coming through again yesterday; yeh; time to apply for even more jobs.
I did get a call from a recruitment agency yesterday but unfortunately, though she actually seemed quite interested in me, the place was not near public transport at all. :(