So I don't really know what's going on re the federal election. I heard a bit of the coverage last night but not much. This morning I find out it's still a bit undecided, or something; I dunno. Something to do with being in a situation we haven't been in since worldwar 2, but my not knowing as much about politics as I'd like, I've no real idea. I think it's something about Labour nor Liberal getting in but independent seats (whatever that all means). I'll be sure to ask my experts to explain all this to me, because I do want to know; I've just always been hopeless with politics. :( i so hope this continues to change.
So aside from this, I had a great day yesterday with Michelle at Mysty's. Then we went for a walk up chappel street and looked in a few shops for items she either wanted, or wanted to try and find for me, eg. those talking gnomes she's got; they're awesome! :) -- I was good; I walked to the station, as I stated yesterday I'd wanted to do. I didn't walk back though cos it had started to rain. -- I was still full and very tired when i got home; I spoke on the phone for a little while then I settled down to sleep.
As said on Facebook and Twitter, i had the nicest sleep and lay in this morning; so did Joy; she wasn't complaining. I don't think she's use to such full on days, but she will have too as my days are indeed starting to get busier. This is a good thing. If it doesn't work out with these jobs, i believe afet has some news regarding work experience placements which will take up three days a week or so, while still attending woodwork, so I could quite easily have the five days active soon. -- This week will be busy; Thursday is my only free day. Got the lunch with some of my GD class tomorrow and the technology expo Friday which I forgot to mention in here I think.
I so agree with
uneverreallyno, sleep is indeed, so yummy! -- I'm not even as scared of it as I use to be because with the exception of the occasional night a year, I seem to do it so well.
Til Next time, RdFreak