So haven't done a survey for years, but
uneverreallyno is counting on me, so here goes: :) Lol
A. Three names I go by
Rachel, Rach (took me a while, but i do go by that now except by my poor family), "joy and handler" :)
B. Three places I've lived
Melbourne, Melbourne and Melbourne, duh
C. Three places I've worked
South Yarra, Queens Street and Prahran (for volunteering).
D. Three places I have been
U.K, Dubai, U.S
E. Three people that email me regularly
vip-l email list, seek Job mail and my dad (when he's in Dubai).
F. Three things I love to eat
bacon, chicken and chocolate!
G. Three people I think will respond
mm maybe the newbies Mon, Kaz (I know she would have in the early days anyway) and, for good measure, CaitCait, maybe? (don't let me down guys :)
H. Three things I am looking forward to
Seeing my new awesome friends again this weekend, getting a job and ---
Til Next Time, RdFreak