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Y o u r 1 - Y e a r - O l d T h i s W e e k
Hello from BabyCentre!
And a happy birthday to your baby! Can you believe a whole year has gone by since you gave birth? A lot has happened, in his life and yours. If only you had a pound for every dirty nappy, every blackcurrant-juice-stained shirt, and every precious baby smile, you'd be able to buy yourself the great big bunch of flowers that every parent deserves! Your little one is probably toddling around now, or on the verge of that crucial physical milestone. The next step is independent walking, talking, and curious toddlerhood. You'll love seeing his growing sociability and vocabulary -- but prepare yourself, those first temper tantrums go hand-in-hand with his budding independence.
Find out more fascinating facts about your one-year-old's development
[] Find links to all our information relevant to your baby's age.
[] Talk to other parents who have a child the same age as yours.
Party time
A first birthday party need not be an elaborate affair. The old saying "One guest for every year your baby is old" is a good one. If you have one of your baby's special friends round and spend an afternoon on an outing then the whole business is less likely to end in tears than it is if you have the whole street round. You could visit a farm, aquarium, park or the beach, or stay in the garden with a paddling pool, or in the house with some painting activities Take lots of pictures of the candle and the cake, and you will have some beautiful memories to look back on when your child is older.
• See more party ideas
• Can babies this age have friends? Find out
Toddler dressing made simple
If your baby had his way, he'd run around naked all the time. Indulge him when you can, and when you can't, choose the next best thing -- clothes that are soft and easy to wash!
• It won't be long before your toddler will want to choose what she wears. Find out what's to come
• Coping with frustration
Feeding in the second year
Now that solids are in the picture, how does your baby feel about food? Some children approach it with caution while others can't wait to taste new flavours and textures.
• From salad to seaweed -- share ideas with other parents on foods your baby might love
• Your toddler's nutrition
Your growing child
Your child has changed so much in the space of one short year: from a tiny newborn, completely unable to do anything for himself, to a laughing toddler who shouts for joy, stamps his feet with rage then gives you a great big kiss. The first year was not without its storms, and the second won't be, either, but remembering how you've coped with the tumultuous changes of this first year -- your baby will never grow so fast again -- can give you the strength to support your child through all the growing he still has to do.
• Take a look at the skills and abilities your toddler will get to grips with during the year ahead
• Find out what other parents of toddlers are talking about on our toddler development bulletin board
Quick tip: Sticky-finger solution
"To protect your television and stereo remote controls from spilled drinks and sticky fingers, wrap them tightly with cling film. The remote control will still work, and if anything spills on it, you can just wipe it off!" -- Brenda
Send us your best sticky-finger tips!
woops! I wanna start all over again but actually read the emails this time as I know the content is underneath Lol! I mean, I want a baby but, not now! Lol! I looove kids, and I do wanna be a Mum one day and this is gunna make it worse! Lol
At least I'm learning already! hahaha
(more later)
Til Next time, RdFreak