May 28, 2004 08:15
okay morgan one more chance for you to see my clay picture. do you see it? its right here!!! muahaha! so okay yesterday me and morgan and ty hella went to dairy queen and we had blizzards which were super yummy. morgan was all like "bla bla bla im gonna vomit you guys make me sick why are you so cute together? bla bla bla" then i went home and watched kayleigh. shes so adorable, we played a game she made up, which was called "guess which basket has the balls underneath it which i tell you to find" and it was fun times. then nathan hella called me and he was like "bla bla bla have you and ty had sek yet bla bla bla" and i was like no and he was like "bla bla bla why not if you love him enough to want to marry him why wont you have sex with him " so i said that we were trying to wait until we were married and he said "bla bla bla i know he wants to and youve been with all your other boyfriends all year what the hell bla bla bla" and all this other crap. so i was understandably upset about this. just because ive had sex with other people before i dont have to again. just because ive had sex with joe schmo doesnt mean i have to do it with him again. ty has taught me a lot about myself, and one of those things was the value of myself, and hte preservation of the specialness of being with the person you love. if you just do that stuff all the time with anyone then its not as special when its with someone you really love and all that stuff. i have the right to change my mind. right? sigh well tell me what you guys think... am i right or is nathan right?