Hulk smash claw people...

May 05, 2009 00:18

Bwahahahaha, just watched "Hulk Vs." I sort of really love the Marvel Animation movies. A couple years ago, a friend of mine lent me the Ultimate Avengers movies (and thus began my love affair with Tony Stark...) and I was really surprised by how awesome they were. They're like the classic cartoons but not dumbed down for kids. So a bit more like the comics themselves. Heeheehe... Anyway, "Hulk vs." was pretty good. I'm not to big a fan of Thor, but I enjoyed that portion of the flick. The animation was nice and Loki was entertaining, plus this was more focused on Hulk/Bruce Banner dynamic that the Wolverine part. Hulk is an interesting character ala Jekyll and Hyde, even if I've never really been inspired to pick up one of his comics. Then I watched the Wolverine portion, which was AWESOME. I got a bit irritated that it was pretty much another shameless use of Wolverine, since they gave you pretty much his entire back story and turned it into a Wolverine movie (again...), but it was cool to see a (very closer to) comic book version of his involvement/capture by Weapon X. Heehee, and Deadpool. I swear, they need to make an Adult Swim Deadpool cartoon or something (and of course the live action flick... though part of me hopes this never comes to pass because it would most likely be terrible). Ahaha, best part (shortly followed by Deadpool reattaching his arm) is Hulk running at Sabey, and Sabey screaming "Wait, OH NO!" <<< Priceless. And I liked how it was a loose-prequel to the awesome WATXM Hulk/Wendigo episode. Aha aha...

God, I am such a nerd! Discovered Lonny loved FFX tonight and promptly went on to gush about it for a half-hour (followed by Portal ramblings). Since I've been living in this house I've displayed my encyclopedic knowledge of Buffy/Angel, Doctor Who, X-Men/Marvel, Lost, and now FF. And a great familiarity with BSG. I love that Taelor just stares at me when I starting rambling about nerdy things, and shakes her head slowly, amazed. "I never would have guessed..." They all say. I'm like a ninja-nerd. You'd never realize it until it was too late... Muwaha.

Also, today I made (American-styled) scones. I can't decide if they were a success or not. Mostly because of the rift between English and American scones... they really aren't that similar. Hmmm... They tasted okay, so I guess thats all that matters.

Only a few more days here in Melb'n before I head out to Kate's family farm. I gotta do an inventory of clothing and figure out what I'm taking with me and what I'm leaving here (I'm coming back before I head north). I figure I'll leave most of the warm weather clothes here, along with the office clothes (which I'm probably going to ship home when I return to Melb'n to free up luggae space). Then I can save money on the new bag. Supposedly its really boring on the farm, especially if the weather is bad. Hm. We'll see.

There are going to be sheep at the farm. I might get to learn how to sheer sheep. Maybe even spin wool. Awesome.

Hey look, its officially Cinco de Mayo now! I'm totally eating Mexican food for dinner.
-The Captain

why can't i be a superhero?, random-other-stuff, australia

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