Jan 03, 2006 07:56
It's an interesting coincidence, in light of last night's post on Arc of Justice on discrimination in property sales, to come across the following this morning on similarities in present-day Israel:
"Most Israelis haven't exactly been welcoming. In some buildings, co-op committees have pressed residents not to rent to Palestinians, according to real-estate agent David Eliyahu, a practice that is not prohibited by Israeli law. 'It lowers the value of the building when Arabs move in, and people don't like that,' he says. Other residents of the settlement have consulted rabbis before deciding whether to do business with Arabs. 'It's forbidden according to Jewish law to sell your land to a non-Jew,' says Motti Peretz, a Pisgat Zeev resident who turned down a generous bid on his home by a Palestinian. And it hasn't taken long for racial violence to surface. The woman who moved from A-Tur has a 20-year-old son who was accosted last month by Israeli ruffians; they bludgeoned him and told him Arabs would not be tolerated in the neighborhood."
-Dan Ephron, "Breaching the Barrier," Newsweek, vol. CXLVI, no. 25 (December 19, 2005): 48.