Today, as I flipped through various issues of the Sierra Club Bulletin from 1973, I came across the following:
Yes, it's the official Penthouse highway emergency kit! It includes booster cables, a tire inflator, fire extinguisher, emergency blinker, spot light, gas siphon pump, first aid kit, first aid book, and instruction sheet. And it has the logo for Penthouse magazine on the box. As far as I can tell, there is nothing pornographic about this kit, so I have no idea why Penthouse would try to sell such a thing. I'm left over-analyzing the ad copy, looking for some reason Larry Flynt's commercial empire would have anything to do with this. "The second nicest traveling companion you can have for long-distance motoring." Nudge nudge, wink wink. "Fits snugly into trunk." Nudge nudg - wait, that's nasty. "Explicit pointers for use of accessories." Ah, now we're talking...
[ETA:] I can always count on
theeugene to set me straight when it comes to pornography. Bob Guccione founded Penthouse, not Larry Flynt. Curses!