This has been another strange week. Perhaps 2008 is shaping up to be a memorably strange year.
A week and a half after Hurricane Ike's three-day blackout ended, and a week after we restocked the refrigerator with supplies, I stuffed a pizza box in there, which propped the fridge door open all night and ruined all the newly-purchased food inside. I'm helpful that way.
Congratulations to
becc367 for passing her general exams! She's heard it a thousand times already, I'm sure, but I'm contractually obligated to say "OK, now about that dissertation..."
We've been doing all kinds of house-type stuff, so the whole place is in disarray, but we're making progress. The living room is about halfway painted, and I've only ruined three brushes in the process. I'm helpful that way too. Next up: more yard work!
Most importantly, today we put down a fairly hefty deposit on a child, which makes sense if you've been reading
stinky_monky's journal. Children are on back-order right now, though, so we will have to wait for the factory to catch up. We're thinking 2009 electric blue, heated leather seats, ten fingers, ten toes, and my eyebrows. We're hoping my vision and lungs will not be part of the package. The dealer says we'll get an update in 6-8 weeks.