It's Not Sex. It's ... :
Drilling for Oil
Get your own Sex Name i was arriving at work and getting myself all worked up.
and here's the gist of it:
fuck you and your not calling me. what's up with that shit? fuck you. i'm so not dealing with that. i deserve better, and i'm totally not going to waste my time with you since you are so not that into me. and the funny thing? if you had just said, "i'm looking for random. i'm looking for occasional. i'm looking for boredom reliever. nothing more." i would have been okay with it. but its too late now. you done ticked me off. so fuck you. and you. you're so fucking nice to me. this amazing kisser. you gave me control of the situation. let me choose. and that was awesome. then you don't fucking call. what is up with that shit? well, fuck you too. you were bad news, anyways, so thanks for making it easier on me. and you. well, you're the best of the bunch. thank you. but i'm just so damn confused! and you shouldn't be lumped in with the fuck you's....really more of a fuck me. i don't know how to handle that. i'm not sure anyone's said that to me before. its happened, but sergio had issues, we've decided this long ago....i'm baffled by you. i'm not sure i like it. it intrigues me, so therefore, you intrigue me, and that is bad news for me.
i always feel weird when i don't have a crush. when there's not someone i'm fantasizing about. and that's where i am right now. and the married regular at work doesn't count. nor does the cutie regular i chatted with saturday.
but this weekend was good. different than what i had expected, but very very good. i had a great time. i have pictures and they will be on display shortly...give me time to stop being lazy and upload them to photobucket....
have a good night, y'all.
and i love you.
no matter what.