-Bad- You're the exact opposite of what any guy
wants or needs, unless he happens to need a
quick lay. You're cruel. You toy with people.
You're probably a bitch, and i don't think i'd
like you if i met you. Oh go screw a random
male already.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla ...this makes me very sad.
...because its true.
...just what i needed...a quizilla quiz to drive home a point i already knew.
...i should wear a sign: "i'm a bad girlfriend because i'm a bitch and whore and you would never be able to trust me"
...or maybe just institute the scarlet letter.
school sucks.
i can't wake up in the mornings.
i'm going to fail greek if i'm not careful.
i'm irresponsible.
i'm in debt.
i'm a bitter old hag.
i don't like introspection.
it only brings me stress and worry.
i really am going to end up old and alone except for all my cats.
unless i can find someone to keep me.
If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?
(Now post this in your LJ and find out what mine would be)