Chapter...Whatever, The next chapter in the Game: The Promise Ring

Jan 27, 2003 11:55

The promise ring, a small piece of metal placed around the finger of a girl by a man who is either desperate to keep his girl, or to try and get a girls virginity. Seriously speaking, the promise ring is a very juvenile invention. There is no 'promise' that is described when placing the ring apon the finger, only the mention that it is there. It means that the wedding band and the engagement ring will be larger and more expensive, and it also means that the man is too scared of the 'real' commitment, so he needs to make an entirely imaginary commitment. And even that would display some kind of nobility if it was fear of commitment, but back to the opening statement, it is usually used for fear that the partner is going to leave. Usually the ring is bought by some guy who just got lucky in the first place, and knows, in his head, that the girl is too good for him and he needs away to latch on to her. Girls are easily blinded by jewelry and do not usually see this as the sign of weakness that it is. A 'man' is committed to the relationship, he doesn't need to show it through a ring in false pretenses. Ladies, you need to realize that you are dating a boy when that ring comes out!!! Tuck that piece of metal back in the case, hand it back to the boy, and say it's over. There is obvious some extreme weakness you display, or you're making up for a lack of something you can't bring to the relationship. I need to go find a real man to settle my lonesome heart. So in review, Promise rings are a nuisance, a simple ploy in the game. Though I can appreciate the effort, I can't shield my eyes from the fact that they are a week attempt and a waste of money. Promise rings should be a promise of something. Comment.
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