(no subject)

Jul 15, 2008 22:39

Hey everyone, if anyone, who reads my little blog here.

I just got back from a little jaunt up to the Boston area with the family. We saw a bunch of history too in Lexington, Concord, Marblehead and (my favorite) SALEM! We saw a reenactment of the trial of Elizabeth Proctor, and it was amazing! It's also beautiful as all heck up around there.

Glad, however, to be back to my own devices and no longer constantly surrounded by mom, john and little matty. I can finally settle into New haven. :) I just catalogued all my books, and boy do I feel like a thoroughly satisfied nerd. Tomorrow I'm gonna go on a walking tour of Yale and then wander the New Haven area some, get my gym membership, maybe do a little shopping, and definitely sit down and plow through some serious Theatre History studying for my qualifying test when school starts.

Ain't that the whackness?! I have been accepted, one of five out of god knows how many of prospective dramaturgy candidates, based on my abilities in theatre scholarship, and now I have to prove them again on some test so I might skip some remedial Theatre History survey courses! I think Sir Ben Kingsley would heartily agree.

Finally, I miss you guys like crazy. Chris, Claire, Ben, Annie, Charlotte, Candice, my beloved theatre compatriots from Tulane and New Orleans, Jesuit comrades! I am feeling your absence, or my absence from you.

I can't wait til the next time I get to see you. I love you.

Alrighty, time for bed because this guy has two thumbs and a lot of things to do tomorrow.
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