Mar 26, 2007 16:24
As I sit here at work with "The Art of War" sitting to my left and a tax preparer using the word "tollage" to my right, I find myself reminiscent of last night. For the first time in over a month, I was scheduled to do money at Regal. With my wide eyed bushy tailed expressing, I walk in the door expecting to just sit around and hang out with a couple of the other managers on a slow Sunday night. I decide to make my presence known on the floor and so I waltzed out there expecting champagne to fall from the heavens, doors to open, and velvet ropes to part. Much to my disappointment nothing happened, except for lines at the concession stand. I backed up for a bit and had some fun with the employees because that's just the kind of guy that I am. At the end of the set, I decide to do pulls and whatnot. I got through about half of them when one of the concession supervisors yells, "Hey Rohan, there's a fight in the back hallway. I need your help." Not having been in this situation in about eight months, it took me a second to get into the appropriate mode. I bolted to the back to find an employee in a heated verbal argument with someone else. Pulled them both apart, and did the Regal management deal where I handled the situation.
About an hour and a half later when everything was taken care of, I decided to take my break. As I was leaving to go pick up some Taco Bell, I received a phone call from said employee asking me to meet him out in the rear lot. (, rear...ha). I complied and ended up spending my whole break out in the lot with him. Decided to hit up the Bell anyway, only to find out that I could not think outside the bun seeing as how they ran out of nachos. What kind of Mexican place runs out of nachos?? That's like an Indian place not having curry, or a Chinese place not having flied lice or noodles. You get the idea though. I settle with a Mexican Pizza and get back to Regal. Spent the next set actually eating my dinner and figured that'd be the end of the crappy night.
Closing...I closed out concession and headed upstairs too meet up with the box manager for the night. We then found out that box office had issues in the earlier set and one of the POS' died. So, all the sales were processed but did not actually report to the MBO. We ended up closing the day around $50 over and that was not cool.
Client just walked in...more on this later