Wondering why the Haggerty family wasn't included in the last update with the rest of the gang? Well you'll now find out in 84 slides of plot-like fun:
Roxanne and Leo Haggerty were near the family pool on the evening before their daughter Jane's birthday. Leo caressed his wife's face, "Y'all look so beau-t-ful in this here moonlight," he said in his natural rasp, "But, why di'u want to talk to me right now?"
Roxanne whispered into Leo's ear, "Don't tell our little Jane but I've booked us a vacation to Twikki Island for her birthday. I need to tell my parents to see if their up for it too."
Roxanne headed downstairs to find Tyler and Aurora to inform them. Leo became paler than usual and gulped the air he was breathing...
Welcome to the Haggerty Family Vacation Spin-Off Special. Because it's summer I decided to send the family off on a wondrous vacation to Twikki Island because the second generation will be gone soon. I'm really excited to be writing this even if it is on livejournal because this vacation provided an amazing plot. Hooray for the plot!
Oh, and yes that is Leighland De Witt snuggling Jane. He is a true, blue family sim in my opinion :)
Glad he's the heir and not Zachariah...*grumbles about a future update*
Jane grew up to be a cute little child. Although she did have a lot of Roxanne's features, she did carry a bit of a mix from Leo. She also has a good sense of fashion like a lot of this generation's children. Well, only when they become teenagers. Yup, most of the generation is there in my playing already including Jane but that's not part of this update.
"So mom, what did you guys get me for my birthday?" asked Jane happily, "Something cool, I bet."
Roxanne looked down at her daughter, "We're going on vacation," she said excitedly, "Get your things together, we're heading out tonight."
The family gathered their things and left their winter ridden home for a place of constant summer. It would be four days of fun in the sun.
Leo stopped at the front door, "Hurry up honey, the cab driver won't be waiting forever," said Roxanne.
Leo sighed and put his luggage in the trunk. He opened the side door and plopped onto the seat. With a pseudo smile he said, "To the airport!"
The home they were renting for the week was nice and cozy. Luckily they had enough money to buy beds from the local shop. The original owner probably had no kids...or elderly parents.
Both couples made good use of whatever they could find. Tyler and Aurora decided that the young locals needed to see a few saggy parts once in a while. Unfortunately the hammock only spun around while they used it. Meanwhile, Leo and Roxanne wanted to spend some private time together. Unlucky for them, they were interrupted.
"What? The only bathroom is upstairs," said Jane, "And it's not like I haven't seen this before at home."
Roxanne and Leo chuckled while hiding themselves with pillows, "At least she isn't making a big fuss to know what we're doing," said Roxanne.
Jane absolutely loved her birthday present. She was making friends with all the locals no matter the age, size or gender.
"Lady, is that man over there your boyfriend?" asked Jane.
The local, Daisy, laughed, "Aren't you adorable? Well, that man over there, Talin, is my brother. But at the same time he is a boy and my friend."
For their vacation, everyone got new clothes that seemed a bit...beach like. Whether it was Hawaiian shirts on a spaz-
"Hey!" yelled Tyler as he made-out with Aurora.
-or a tank top on a...well I don't really know. I guess a gardener with a Southern based accent.
While everyone else was enjoying the surf and sand, Leo tried to talk to Roxanne, "Honey, I need to tell y'all something important."
Roxanne kissed Leo on the cheek and held his hand, "Anything."
As Leo fumbled with his words a crab bit him on the toe, "Dangnabbit! Stupid vermin nicked me."
Leo was never able to tell Roxanne what he needed to say but in the meantime, the family enjoyed everything they could find. Tyler definantly let loose his personality. Especially when the family played on the pirate ship.
"Yarr, I be Long John Silver-head! I'm the captain of this sea-bound vessel and ye shall listen to me. First and foremost, I am not a spaz!"
Sure Cap'n, whatever you say.
Jane continued making friends with everyone she could see, "Come on Mr. Dregg, meet the creator. He's really nice."
Something told me this meeting wouldn't go well...
Pirate Captain Edward Dregg's ghost came out of his cabin and spied me, "YOU!" he yelled at the top of his dead lungs.
Hi Ed, long time no see...
Let me explain...in A Scottish Legacy written by me but deleted from my sim page, I played generation H up to teenagerhood and one plot line was that the next spouse was pregnant with Dregg's child because his long lost lover was Erskine's wife who's name escapes me...
"So where are those kids, huh? You deleted the legacy and hoped there would be no problems afterwords."
Jane growled at the ghost, "If my creator deleted that legacy he had a good reason for it. Or multiple reasons involving things like glitches and pictures being ruined yet at the same time he didn't know that you could use livejournal to upload legacy chapters if an outside program messed them up."
That's my girl!
"So quit bothering him about it and go back to being a hermit for eternity!"
For her heroic work by protecting my butt, I treated Jane to the Twikki Island specialty meal. It's mostly sugar and chocolate made on the island.
"You like candy, little girl?" asked the chef, "I have lots more in my truck."
Jane stared at the man, "Just joking. Your parents teach you well about strangers and not accepting candy from them."
Before the Haggerty's left their first day trip destination, Jane went back to see Daisy. Daisy decided to teach Jane how to 'hang loose' like the locals. Like anyone else who has never seen a local gesture before, Jane was a bit confused. She eventually got the hang of it. Get it? Hang? Hang loose?
...I don't need your pity laughter xD
When Jane tried the gesture on Roxanne, she got a confused reaction too, "What are you doing, honey?"
"Hanging loose!"
When they arrived at their next destination, Leo kept to the beach while the others shopped for souvenirs and jewelry. There, a local fire dancer looked strangely at him, "Leo?" he asked, "Is that you?"
Leo paused an looked at the man, "What are y'all talking about?"
The man laughed, "Come on Leo, I know it's you. Don't you remember your old buddy Talin? We went to grade school together here. And drop the accent, we all know that you wanted to be a cowboy when we were little but that's a bit too much."
Leo sighed, "Talin, I was hoping none of you would recognize me," he said, "I came here with my family and they don't know that I'm actually from Twikki Island. They think the fake accent is real."
Leo grabbed the extra fire dancing pole, "If my wife found out that I was lying about my heritage for almost ten year she would kill me. How ironic that she picked Twikki Island for my daughter's birthday present."
Talin laughed, "Well, you had to tell them sometime. You know, almost everyone on the island recognized you. When they told me that you were here I knew you'd want to see the fire dancing. You were always the best on the island."
The island radio system made a loud beeping noise and an announcer said, "Attention ladies and gentlemen, our master fire dancer has returned to his home land and will be performing for one night only."
Talin winked at Leo.
"You ass!" yelled Leo, "Now I'm surely doomed!"
Meanwhile, local islander Daisy was talking to Roxanne, "You have to see this guy's fire dance," she said, "He's amazing. Last time I saw him was around 10 years ago."
Roxanne was intrigued. She ran down to the beach to see this...man of mystery...
Leo knew that fate was fate and nothing could change it. He lit up the sides of the pole and began the ancient Twikki ritual only the masters knew...
Roxanne nearly tripped over her feet when she saw Leo with the fire, "LEO?! What's going on?"
Sheepishly, Leo said, "Hi honey. I'll talk to you in a minute."
Once Leo finished the dance, he met up with the family near a park. He sighed and looked Roxanne in the eyes, "I should have told you before we were married that the accent was fake. I'm really from Twikki Island and left it a few weeks before I met you to become a cowboy but there was no job like that. I then became a gardener with a cowboy hat and we met at your dorm. I had gotten so used to my new accent that I forgot about it. I tried to tell you this morning but-"
Roxanne interrupted him, "Leo, I don't care where your from or if you have an accent. As long as your my sweet, loving husband nothing will tear us apart."
The couple hugged each other lovingly. Nothing could break them apart now that the truth was out there. If they could withstand this, whatever I throw at them in the future will be like a pebble in a shoe; annoying and painful but once it's gone you feel much better.
With Leo now able to tell them everything about his past, the family was able to have even more fun knowing he wouldn't be so tense. Leo remembered all the tourist hot spots on the island and was sure to show them off. Unluckily for them, Tyler was enjoying hula dancing...too much...
"Grandpa is scaring me," said Jane, "Make him stop."
Actually, I think that might be belly dancing and not hula...creepy xD
The vacation ended on a high note as the love between Roxanne and Leo grew stronger. No one had seen them happier together. Maybe fate knows what it's doing nowadays...
I'm leaving the update with a pregnant Roxanne. Yes, vacations usually lead to this if they're mixed with ACR. I hope you enjoyed the update on the Haggerty family. This now means that Leo's character is changed so he'll be written differently from now on. I was contemplating not having this written and just making Leo stay the same but I figured, meh, him not being in his old outfit wouldn't make any sense.
Okay, so I've already gotten most of this generation to be teenagers. I just have 5 houses to play (Haggerty, Bendett/Maaza, McLellan, Love, and Lee) and then I'll work on the next update. Till then, Happy Simming!