Feb 07, 2012 20:52
I probably could use some.
If you've known me for any length of time, you know that I get exciteable, or really depressed, or really whatever. Any time I'm experiencing any emotion, I experience it in extremes, it feels. For the most part, I can pull myself up from any feeling-down-ness very quickly. I've lived a full life, and there's not much left that really upsets me.
The one thing that I've never been able to get a handle on though is my anger. When I get angry, I tend to get "Hulk Smash" angry. Obviously, my solution to this has been, "Basically, Keep Calm." For the most part, that works. Still, I worry that somebody is going to do something to me or around me that pisses me off so much, so fast - that I won't be able to cool down before I snap. I've dealt with my anger for years, and I've probably got worse anger issues than anyone I know - and that says a lot.
I'm not proud of it at all, despite the accomplishments I may have achieved through focusing my anger. And talking about it isn't easy for me. Since I know there aren't too terribly many people who read this, for whatever reason it feels like a place that I can unload a bit.
One of the biggest keys to managing anger is communication. No matter who you are, where you are, or what you do - if you're not perfectly honest with yourself about WHY you're angry, it's only going to get worse. And if after a good bit of soul searching you figure out why you're angry, at that point, it's best to realise that may be no reason - and if that's the case, then why be angry for no reason?
That may not always work, and you may eventually realise something about your anger that makes you go, "Ohhh THAT'S why I'm so pissed off." No matter what anyone tells you, there's no such thing as a bad reason for being angry. There's no good reason, either; anger is just a product of life.
Another important thing to take note of is that it's OKAY to be angry! Look at 2! He's made a career out of being angry, and he's a great guy! What's not okay is letting that anger fester and boil inside of you where it can suddenly explode outward onto others - regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Anger is best expressed and released externally, so make a point of finding a way of exerting that frustration in a way that you will enjoy, and that won't put others at risk (the latter part being what will get you into the most trouble).
Finally, this last bit of parting advice: if your anger is getting to the point where it's starting to negatively affect others around you, stop. You may not realise it at the moment you're doing it, but AS SOON AS YOU REALISE IT, you need to find someone - ANYONE - and you need to talk things out. We're social creatures, and big anger problems aren't ones that get resolved solo. There's no shame in getting help. And hey, if you are worried that someone you know has problems dealing with their anger, don't be afraid to help them - more often than not, they just need someone there to listen.
That's all I've got for today, so see ya 'till next I scribe!
Ryuu C. "Scribbles"