Oct 25, 2005 10:42
"Micronanule" n.; pron. mYh-crO-nan-yool
Origin. Coined by Jonathon Karn in Marietta, Ga, c. 2005 AD. Compound word made up of two greek words and one latin word. The Greek "mikros" means one millionth, the greek "nanos" means one billionth, and the Latin "granulum" means a grain or particle.
Definition. 1. (slang) Something very small ("The pieces are so small the are like micronanules"), 2. (slang) Derogatory term confered upon Jonathon's mom (i.e. "Jonathon's mom is a micronanule"), 3. (Science) One millionth of one billionth of a granule (i.e. "Granule x 10^-15 = Micronanule")