Speaking In Tongues? Waiting For Armageddon?

Sep 15, 2008 15:55

All 4 of us are famous politicians; we all have something in common.

John Ashcroft: Far right politician was so fanatical he lost reelection to a dead man. Then became GWB's AG

James Watt: Far right interior secretary who supported development in national parks and mineral exploration. was removed from office as petitions for his removal circulated the country.

Ralph Reed: Far right politician, ran for Lt Gov. of Georgia, former head of the Christian Coalition, involved in Abramoff lobbying scandal.

Sarah Palin: Possibility a heartbeat away from the presidency if she becomes 72 year old, cancer survivor, president's VP.

They are all members of the Pentecostal Church. Find out about us and our church.

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We don't have a lot of well educated successful members, and these are most of the politicians in our church. So if you are smart, or are a politician and want to become a member of a fundamentalist religion please do. God will love you for it and you WILL survive the coming Armageddon!!!
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