Mar 12, 2006 16:37
I feel like im jest hanging on sometimes. Lol, this paying bills and what not is bull shit.
Iv decided to by a scale. Iv done a little looking but they all seem so pricy. But i know it is needed. Ill balloon out if i dunno what weight im sitting at...*sigh*...Its already started. The jeans are jest that little bit tighter. But that little bit really makes me feel like a heffer. lol.
Life out on my own is alright i guess. I feel a little boared sometimes. So iv been trying to find cheaps ways to amuse my self. Dan is content with the computer. *sigh* Friggin thing is like the other women and to top it off it hates me... Very picky.
I miss counter strike. I sucked so much ass but it was all in good fun.
Blah, maybe when have my own computer...