Jan 27, 2004 19:51
I haven't been to class in 5 days. It's actually kind of starting to get old. Not that I'm a big fan of being in school, but I am beginning to get bored. On the positive side I have gotten several things accomplished, including finishing up my new screen name, which I'm sure you guys probably all know by now, and creating my new livejournal, which I will begin to use in a few days when my paid account runs out on this one. I'll let you guys know where I'm heading before it happens though. I've cleaned some stuff too, done just a little homework, it's been nice. Tonight we're having girls poker night here, should be good times. It will also include DDR, alcohol, cigars, etc, etc, aka we're going to be like men, haha! Actually, I have yet to figure out how this is too different from normal, but oh well! ;)