10 Qs and a to-do list

Feb 17, 2008 21:21

Saw this on Mozzie's, figure it'd be a good thing to ask myself as well. Ten philosophical questions I ought to be asking myself, or at least, I need fresh approaches to.

1. Ethics of suicide. Ten seconds, go.
2. At what point does always blaming yourself for everything become merely the inability to accept that some things - some people - are truly out of your control?
3a.  When I stand at the edge I'm honestly no longer looking backwards; does this make me a true atheist, or just a fool?
  b. On the way there, why would I allow myself to make so many promises, why do I reach out at all?
  c. Does b. mean that I don't actually want to?
  d. Does c. mean I'm every bit as awful as I think I am?
4. How much of memory should be allowed to be a perceptual lie?
5a. How can I socially treat an individual as a product of their choices?, yet
 b. yet politically as the product of their environment?, and
 c. emotionally as a product of their own head?
 d. Seeing that a-c brings me to a ridiculous impasse, how do I force one coherent theory for dealing with people out of all that?
6. If I truly hate no one, do I truly love anyone?
7a. How much of me is mental illness, how much of me is "personality"?
  b. How much of either should I be trying to fix?
8a. How can negative capability be morally... correct?
   b. How can it be morally correct to desire that state?
   c. How can it be morally correct to not desire that state?
9a. Why can't I accept that there are infinitely high energy states and just... move on?
  b. Why do I have a ridiculously elaborate theory about how the universe is hyperbolic on short scales,
  c. thus allowing conservation of energy to work for black holes given a.?
  d. Why is scheming for new ways of overturning well established cosmological concepts my absolute favorite thing to do when I'm bored?
10. Why can't I accept the idea of immortal souls?
11a. Why can't I accept the idea of a beginning? (Big Bang, "moment of death", etc.)
    b. Why must I believe that the universe/laws always existed?
12. Why can't I accept the idea of infinitely small points strung together to form a continuum of... anything?
13. Why is this longer than my established ten seconds, really?

Went a bit over. And I think if I was in a more rational mood I'd have more cosmology up there, since those are more generally my concern, but it's hard enough writing in complete sentences at the moment. And I'm looking at those now and it's like LOL philosophy, right. But whatever.

Things to do before I let myself sleep tonight:

1. Read 100pgs of art history text, through early Japanese.
2a. Write coat!fic for Whilily's 3-meme.
   b. Find myself a new coat downstairs.
   c. Spend no more than 15min angsting over current location of old coat.
3. Dump photos so I can stop fixating on all the ones of a particular.
4a. Write calc essay.
   b. Download LaTeX, so next week I can just use that for my essay of dealing with the idiocy of Word's "insert mathematical symbol" function.
5. Hook up my sound system again so I don't have to deal with the annoyingly tinnyness of Iris (iPod), which does not let  me crank the bass way up, and subsequently makes most metal absolutely unbearable for me to listen to, which is sad because I feel like listening to loud anti-musical noise at the moment.

Hehe. Right.
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