I keep hearing from my friends on the left that Democrats will be able to run on ObamaCare. I offer the following rebuttals:
Case 1:
Minnesota Lawmakers went to an ag symposium in North Mankato.
The question: "I thought the Affordable Care Act would save $2500 per family. What happened?"
After Sen. Klobuchar and Rep. Walz looked at each other, laughter broke out in the room.
Rep. Peterson quickly picked up the microphone to say, "I voted 'no', so I'll let these guys handle that," to the applause of the crowd.
Case 2: The following advertisement is running in Michigan:
Click to view
Polls are showing the Republican candidate for US Senator ahead in Michigan.
A five-year-old gets a letter from the IRS. His mother responded. The IRS then writes back: Dear Mr. Smith: we don’t recognize Susan F. Smith as someone authorized to discuss your tax file. If you want Susan F. Smith to be authorized to discuss your return we suggest you go online and submit form 8892 and form, etc.
Via viralnova, take a look at what his parents did (and I agree completely with it). It's a classic.