GOP Senator Ron Johnson introduced the "If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act." It's not likely to pass the Senate, but it's a wonderful political move. You may be about to faint: I'm going to agree with something on Daily Kos (sort of).
Ted Rall wrote why Sarah Palin is right about ObamaCare. He argues the failure will lead to socialized medicine; I would argue it will lead to far smaller government. The chance of socialized medicine passing in the next two decades is getting close to zero.
The New York Times wrote about the risks of failure of ObamaCare: The breakdown of the federal Web site could emerge as a test of Mr. Obama’s philosophy, with potentially serious implications for an agenda that relies heavily on the belief in a can-do bureaucracy. Michael Dimock, the Pew center’s director, said that the longer the problems persist, the more they could bolster what he called the “almost American value that government is inefficient.”
CBS reports on the hundreds of thousands losing their plans. Here's a link to four times when Obama said, "If you like your health plan, you can keep it." No, these weren't said back in 2009 or 2010...they were said during 2012. Expect to see these and many, many more during next year's midterms.
Here's another from NY Magazine. The NY Magazine video compilation is devastating.
And House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer admitted today that Democrats knew that many would not keep their plans. Meanwhile,
Sixty Minutes ran a piece on Benghazi (remember that?). Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) promises he'll block all White House appointments until answers are obtained.
In the end, facts come out. You can hide things for a while, but the cover-up always gets you. There's nothing different here with this Administration.