The Train Wreck Edition / A Reverse Zimmerman Case That You Didn't Hear About

Sep 27, 2013 12:56

ObamaCare: Train Wreck Addition Edition

CNBC: ObamaCare hurts hiring.
WSJ: Software doesn't work.
USA Today: Families not covered when they should be.
The Tax Foundation: ObamaCare Increases Premiums by As Much As 305 Percent.

Then there are all those individuals who could keep their plan, as promised by President Obama:

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Columnist Michelle Malkin is among many who will not be able to keep their plans.

Gallup: Tea Party Support Drops to Record Low. Wow, is the Tea Party that despised? Actually, the poll could be restated, "More people support the Tea Party than consider themselves liberal; almost 3/4 of the electorate does not oppose the Tea Party." (Hat Tip: William Jacobson)

In news you didn't hear about, but would have if the races were reversed, "Greenville Wal-Mart Shooter Picked Victims by Race." The shooter was black; the targets were white. I did a Google Search, and other than FoxNews, no national news network or newspaper is listed. I'm shocked, just shocked, by this (not).

A new use for cd's (aka old AOL discs): Cleaning Sewage!
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