Jun 03, 2005 22:49
Sorry, no Funny Item of the Day today. Today is an EVIL entry.
Right now, death would be nice. I don't feel good. I had to work from 5-CL, I met the new girl, she was pretty nice and a good worker. I started not wanting to stand anymore quick into my shift. Later, I was coughing so hard that I was literally throwing up. Not good. My gay tube keep sucking into my stomach, and making me feel sick to my stomach for a few seconds. I would love to just rip it out right now, I'm so sick and tired of it.
I got these gay letters from the Center for Disability Claims down in Springfield. I'm working on getting some Disability money because I'm such a diseased loser that nobody wants to be friends with anymore. Anyways, one letter said that I haven't filled out these gay forms they sent me two weeks ago. And there is a reason. They sent me two manila envelopes with forms inside I was supposed to fill out. I was supposed to put these forms into the preaddressed envelope they provided and send it out. Well, it's impossible to put the forms in the envelope in a way that shows the address in the little window. So I had no idea how I was supposed to send them anywhere. The second letter said that the two hospitals I've been associated with over my life haven't sent them my medical records yet. I DON'T CARE, call them and ask them! Don't send me some gay letter expecting ME to do something about it. I third letter said that they didn't have all the appropriate information to determine my disability, so I had to call them. What the heck! Why didn't they ask me these things when they conducted the hour-long interview a couple months ago. Anyways, they said in each letter that they had to be cleared up within 10 days or it would affect my award. Jerks! I'm not going to do anything!
I haven't done my therapy in two weeks. It's so frustrating because my stupid nebulizers always clog up, and get all gay and stuff. So I'm probably dying soon, most likely the reason I was throwing up tonight. I have two gay doctor appointments next week. One is for the transplant clinic, and they're having me do all this GAY stuff that isn't necessary. I have to get blood labs done. My freakin' blood type hasn't changed recently and it NEVER will, so I really don't think it's necessary. The other is a regular one all the way in Milwaukee. I hate the Milwaukee hospital because they're so gay. I've had to deal with this stupid 6 inches of tube sticking out of my stomach for months now, and it's their fault. They're so gay about everything in the world.
So tonight, I decided to read a couple random LiveJournals belonging to a couple people I know. I haven't done that in quite a while. I came upon a couple of those gay surveys that people do. The only reason I say gay is because I'm never in them. I have never once been named in one of those surveys, and most of them have "FRIENDS" sections. I would even settle for being named "Weirdest friend" or something, as long as I knew I was some sort of friend. I'm clearly not though, I never have been. Even for those categories that I OBVIOUSLY belong to like the "Shortest friend" or the "Shyest friend" or something along those lines. (No Laurel, this doesn't apply to you. You don't really know me all that well, so I didn't really actually expect to be in yours :-) ) So...my friends consist of two former Tri-County friends, people from work, a couple friends from MSOE, and that is all. I'm not even joking. I've had this LiveJournal forever, and I only have 11 comments. And most of them are by the same person (Thanks Laurel :-P). Stuck up punks, I hate people so much sometimes. If you know you're one of these people, go ahead and say pretty much what you've always said: "I've been so busy lately, I don't really have time to be your friend." (Not in those words, it usually applies to talking to me on AIM)
Anyways, I've vented. Oh yeah, another thing that pisses me off is when the Cubs are gay and give up the lead thanks to a stupid error, and a crappy pitching performance by two stupid rookie pitching losers. Anyways, I have ventilated.