May 14, 2009 16:31
I had a really good time last night at Ashley's house. (It is gorgeous btw.) I was the first one there for like n hour or more, but then Katie and Brittany came. Ashley had been making this good pasta for us when I got there and helped her finish. She said that was the first time she'd ever cooked something for someone. :) I had fun. And I did most of the dishes just to help out cause no one else was there yet and we had already eaten. I really enjoy bonding with these girls and the rest of them from TCG. They are so amazing. I have really missed girl times for quite a while because I don't get them too often. But now I get to go to 2 in one week! Plus the hike at the Tegner's with the whole College Group on Tuesday. That was really awesome. I can't remember if i wrote about it in here, but I probably did, except for the fact that yesterday morning I found a tick in my ear! I was so freaked out I was screaming in my car cause it wouldn't come out. I had to ask my PE teacher to get it for me. Thank goodness he did. I hate bugs so much. And I seriously think I have mild aracniphobia (apparently I can't spell it correctly. lol). But anyways, we watched a couple of chick flicks that I brought over an an episode of The Hills, which I had never watched before. The 2 movies were The Wedding Date and What A Girl Wants. We (or at least I) stayed up until 3:30 or 4:00 am. So basically I only got like 5 hours sleep. But I did get to take a nap with my sister today because the poor thing only got about that much sleep to cause she was crying and couldn't finish studying for her tests today so I drove her home. But last night, I'm not sure why, I really felt like confessing something very personal to someone. I don't know if it was just me dwelling on thoughts or the Holy Spirit convicting me, but I never did get the right opportunity. Perhaps I should just get out here even though I suppose anyone could read this. There are always certain songs or types of songs and movies that make me feel ...(how do I say this?)... I guess sexually aroused? I don't know. Sometimes I get those butterflies in my stomach, other times it's almost more of a disgusted feeling. I don't know if this in and of itself is a sin or if just dwelling on them is. But either way I am hoping to move past it and I am trying to avoid songs on the radio that make me feel this way. (I've definitely never told anyone this before and it's only started happening more recently like in the past year.)