Boredom & Responsibilities

May 05, 2009 16:47

Eeehhhhhhh. I want school to be done with! Run to me summer freedom! Although I feel incredibly bored right now, I know there are things I should be doing, like filling out job and finances and mission trip applications. *Sigh* Not to mention all my school projects, well just my art classes ones. I have a short paper for my Graphic Design class due on Friday and my final painting project (which also has a short write up) for Art 105 is due next Wednesday. *Sigh* I don't wanna...*whines*. Right now I am waiting to go to the (last) prayer meeting for DVC United and then I'm off to TCG at the Blatt's house.
I've realized recently that I am pretty much controlled by food. When I see something sweet that I like, I almost always start to crave it and will usually end up eating more than I should because this can happen a few times a day. (Bad, I know.) Even if I don't see anything, sometimes I just feel like I need it, you know? This is not only terrible for my health, but not too good for my (spiritual) discipline as well. "Lord, please help me help my stupid self." (from a country song). Perhaps this is the reason why even though I do a ton of good exercise every week, I still can't seem to lose any weight at all. *sad* Hopefully, I will be able to change this soon with God's help.

tcg, art, school, dvc united

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